Matching Merlin VSM's with a Cary SLI-80

Any comments concerning matching these two components?

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John, I use the Cary with Tyler Ref. Monitors and its a great pairing, but I've been tempted by the VSM's for some time. Please report back with your findings. The Cary is a great amp.
Thanks everyone, I'll report how it sounds when I finally get the unit i a few weeks

John, I've had the SLI-80 with VSM-Ms for a few weeks and have enjoyed it very much. I found the type of KT-88 tubes used has a huge sonic impact with this amp. Personally I really enjoyed the KT-88EHs and was not as excited with the JJs (JJs more holographic sound, EHs just right for my ears). There are many other types of tubes you can use, so if you don't like what you hear, just change the tubes. Suspect the VSMs would also be an exceptional match with the Cary V12R (heard this amp last week, really impressed). Added bonus, they're both very good looking.
The sli-80 s1 has worked beautifully with the VSM's. Very dynamic , clear, and really a top notch fit for the money. Would recommend to others.

Thanks for your feedback
