Tube Preamps...I'm sold

At the constant urging of my friend I finally decided to audition a tube preamp (Eistein The Tube). All I can say is I am completely sold on the benefits of tubes in my system. I am not sure I have the vocabulary to describe what I heard but everything just sounded right. Vocals has a realism that made it seem I was in the same room as the musician. Instruments sounded like they were supposed to. There were details I have never heard before. What is amazing to me is that I have what I believe to be a pretty good ss preamp (Classe CP-700).

Ok, now for the hard part...finding the right tube preamp. The Einstein is amazing but I want to audition more. Can anyone suggest a tube pre in the range of $10K and less? I would love to some one with an output trigger and very fine volume control (0.5db). Thats all I need.

Thanks in advance.
I waited 32 days for Ref 3 to arrive, and now I have to wait 3 more days until I can set it up. I hope it's worth the wait. C'mon Monday..........

As for looks, it's OK. I've seen better, I've seen worse.
It's decent enough looking, but I do wish it was a bit smaller.

John..not sure if i can handle 32 come you have to wait another 3 before setting it up?
Just a quick point. There are many people on this thread that are describing the sound of various tubed preamps.
Big mistake. I recognize many of the posters and understand
they are not inexperienced or shy about spending big bucks to improve the sound of their systems. A good tubed products (competently designed using good components) sound will be determined by the tubes selcted. In other words, the Wyetech poster described as the most SS sounding tubed preamp he has heard, is what he heard with a certain tubeset. I guarantee you there is a tubeset for that preamp that will move the sound to the lushest tubiest sounding preamp you have heard. I know you all understand that EVERYTHING in the signal path is crucial to the out come at the speakers. This is why so many pissing contests start on these threads. Maybe it was the cabling that caused the preamp to sound so SS. The tubeset did have a huge influence on the outcome. I recently purchased a Chinese preamp (Ming DA 2A3) for about $1200 including shipping. I replaced all the stock tubes at a cost greater than the cost of the preamp. I will place this preamp in a head to head with anything out there. It will not be imbarassed. Any of the sonic characteristics posters here have ascribed to the different preamps mentioned can all be turned 180 degrees with tube selection and or cable selection. The only necessary parameter for a good tubed product is transparency. It is an empty glass and the sound will depend on the quality of the wine added (tube selection).
If you are into tubed products and haven't done extensive tube rolling, you should stick to SS because you aren't maximizing your gears potential. I would be surprised if the Shindo pre couldn't be improved upon with tube rolling.
The outcome at the speakers in five different systems will
be very different. Therefore there is potential to improve by rolling the tubes to suit your system and personal taste. Tubes are hands on gear, if you are not comfortable with that, then stick with solid state.
