Best amps for rock and heavy metal

I listen rock and metal more than 90% from Deep purple to metallica and pantera
Some dealers told me about mcintosh, krell and Levinson....
Anyone in this forum has experience with Accuphase A60 and P7000?

What's the best amps in your opinion.
Thank for reply
Audiokinesis, Audphile1 and all friends in this forum , thank for your suggestions.

I understand about record quality of most of heavy metal bands. It's very difficult to recorded louder and faster music (with small amount of money from back up company); Sad But True for metal throng.

About my speakers; I choose Electra 1027BE 'cos I love model, sound and it suitable for placed in my small room (without any room acoustic problem). If i have larger listening room, Diva/Alto Be or large JBL project (K2 project Be) may be my choice.

About amps; I'm interest in Mcintosh Mc501, Mark levinson model 432, Krell FBx400 or accuphase P7000/7100.
what's you (and other friend in this forum) think about these amps?

Thank for more replies
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I tried the Levinson 432 and found the 336 to be much much better to my ears (eventhough the 432 is rated at 50W more power). I was honestly un-impressed with all the 4xx series that I listened to (I heard all the current 2-channel 4xx's).

I wouldn't hesitate to try the 436 mono's however. I have also heard that the 3-channel Levinson (433 maybe?) is a very good sounding amp - but is lower powered.

To me - I still think the later 3xx series (334/335/336) are tough to beat.

My experience with Krell is that they are superb in the lower frequencies - but I didn't care for them otherwise.

No experience with the Mcintosh or accuphase.

Hope that helped a little good luck.
Bomberman writes:
About my speakers; I choose Electra 1027BE 'cos I love model, sound and it suitable for placed in my small room (without any room acoustic problem).
How small?

Do you have a SPL meter (like a cheap RadioShack model) to get an idea of what levels you are listening at? If so, what readings are you typically seeing. If not, I think if you are serious about heavy metal at high SPLs, you need to know.

What is your current amplifier, and how loud can it go before distortion?

You say you don't have "any room acoustic problem" at the moment. This may not be the situation in the future as you crank up the level.

Thank Jim for your opinion about ML 3 and 4 series

My experience with Levinson 432 and thiel CS2.4 in dealer showroom is good (not best). Probably from thiel speakers is not design for rock music (IMO)?

I'll try some more with levinson series 3 next week.