Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less

Hello gentlemen.
I am on the market now for an all TUBE preamp. Linestage only. My budget is $12K new or used. A main criteria is this tube preamp must be "Noiseless".

My main beef with tube preamps in the past is the Noise. I want dead silence. No HUM, No Buzz just dead silence.You can literally put your ear to the chasis and hear nothing.

Is there such an all Tube preamp that is Dead Silent ?

How about the TRON Syren. Ok it contains a fantastic phono stage too, but it is deadly quiet. On line sources, I can crank up the volume to full with my Avantgarde Duos and get virtual silence. There is one for sale at Definitive Audio in the UK for GBP4.5k.
Tha quitest tube pre that I have experenced in my system is my First Sound MK4.0 Although I have heard the A.R.Ref 3 and it also is absolutly quite
guys forgive my ignorance, but exactly (I am relatively new to tubedom) what is the preamp tube noise you are talking about? Am I missing it? I have a SET amp and SET pre, but I don't hear a darn thing, but the music. thanks in advance, warren :)