Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less

Hello gentlemen.
I am on the market now for an all TUBE preamp. Linestage only. My budget is $12K new or used. A main criteria is this tube preamp must be "Noiseless".

My main beef with tube preamps in the past is the Noise. I want dead silence. No HUM, No Buzz just dead silence.You can literally put your ear to the chasis and hear nothing.

Is there such an all Tube preamp that is Dead Silent ?

Like Raquel said, at your budget there are some fine SS choices as well. I recently purchased an Essential 3150 from Raul and am very happy with it. There are a couple threads going on about it on the Analog form if you are interested.

Some friends and I (hey Matt) recently did a little preamp comparison with an ARC Ref3, BAT 51se, and my Aesthetix Callisto. All three were very quiet on my AVG's... And believe me when I say that with these speakers you are going to hear a noisy component.

Hey Chris,

I'd be very interested in hearing what other thoughts you had when comparing these three preamps, besides just noise. How did they sound on music? How did they differ?

Far down the price range from where Joefama is looking, both Welborne Labs and Wright Sound Company desing amps and preamps to work with 100-108dB horn speakers. They are extremely quiet with those ultra-sensitive horns and dead quiet with anything less. They are also extremely revealing and neutral.

There are quite a few amp companies targeting the high efficiency horn market specifically, they would be the best bet if absolute quiet is your highest priority. Gordon Rankin's Wavelength Audio comes to mind in the $12.5k-$19k(Silver wired transformers) range new.
Should be easy to find. I just bought an Audio Mirror PP1 tube preamp/phono stage for less than 10% of your budget.
It is quiet as a mouse unless I stick my ear up to the Scanspeak tweeter of my ACI Jaguar monitors.
Sounds very good also.

For $12,000 you should do quite well.