Unsound, what Duke was alluding to is that speakers can be designed using either the Voltage Paradigm or the Power Paradigm.
In the case of one of the speakers he mentioned, he set the port resonance *below* the cutoff of the speaker. Now with a Voltage Paradigm amp, this would have been a roll-off in the bass. But with an amp with a higher output impedance (Power Paradigm), it instead extended the bass response another half octave- to 25Hz. I've heard him call this his 'free lunch'.
In the case of one of the speakers he mentioned, he set the port resonance *below* the cutoff of the speaker. Now with a Voltage Paradigm amp, this would have been a roll-off in the bass. But with an amp with a higher output impedance (Power Paradigm), it instead extended the bass response another half octave- to 25Hz. I've heard him call this his 'free lunch'.