What do you look for in damping factor?

It's been decades since I was up to speed on damping factor, so I'm interested in knowing what all of you look for. And—if you're so inclined—why. I may be in the market for a new amp sometime soon, and I'm no longer sure how much weight to give to this spec. THANKS.

P.S. Speakers I use are Maggie 2.6/R, Spendor SP3/1P, NHT SuperTwos and PSB Stratus Minis (hey, I like them all, to one degree or another!).
Unsound, what Duke was alluding to is that speakers can be designed using either the Voltage Paradigm or the Power Paradigm.

In the case of one of the speakers he mentioned, he set the port resonance *below* the cutoff of the speaker. Now with a Voltage Paradigm amp, this would have been a roll-off in the bass. But with an amp with a higher output impedance (Power Paradigm), it instead extended the bass response another half octave- to 25Hz. I've heard him call this his 'free lunch'.
Atmasphere, thanks. That appears clever, but I still think the use of ports come with a price. So much for free lunch?
Unsound, for that you would have to hear them. I know one person that used such speakers to replace a set of Carver Silver Amazing loudspeakers- he likes Duke's speakers better because they are smaller, are easier to drive, sound better overall and of course go deeper in the bass.
Of course those are all good reasons to like a speaker, but, amongst other things, ports can compromise time and phase fidelity. Obviously, some feel the trade off worth it.
" What do you look for in damping factor? "

Nothing. Its almost meaningless number, largely explained by Athmaspere in his 1st post.
