From Bryston to Pass X250.5 ?

Haven't heard the Pass as there is no Pass dealer in town, but wondering what kind of differences I could expect if I switched from Bryston 4B-SST to the Pass X250.5. Would highs be more refined ? and what about the midrange ?
In my experience the Pass is MUCH better in the mids and treble - much smoother to my ears.

Excellent bass too - maybe not quite as good as the Bryston - but I'll take that trade any day.

The Pass X.5 series is very impressive.
I did this exact thing about 1 1/2 years ago after having Bryston equipment for 6 years. A big, big leap up in sound with the highs more refined, bass more articulated and the lushest midrange I have ever had. One difference though. I had purchased the Pass X1 preamp about 6 months prior. Take the next step. You'll be more than satisfied.
Looks like this thread could could cost me some dollars down the road (again).

Question to Rd : did you buy the .5 version or the previous one ?
Significant improvement in all areas, I owned 4bsst, 150.5, 250.5 and 350.5. I prefer even 150.5 to bryston.