Top ten tube preamps

What are your top 10 tube line stage preamps of all time?
First Sound w/paramount Special Edition upgrade as first ,
First Sound Deluxe MKII w/paramount upgrade as second ,
Lamm ll2 deluxe[third] and L2 line stage [second ].
mbl 6010D is a very good also, line stage.
Possibly there were also others good preamps,but personaly i prefer the mentioned.
Has anyone used an Allnic L-4000 pre ?
I am looking for a tube pre.
This I need for use with a Cadence Audio - Canasya 845 amplifier.
I had shortlisted a few;
Music First Audio - the best I like - but out of 'budget' [non tube - but super pre amplifier]. May be amongst the 'best of the best' !
The Korean pre - not heard much about - except 6moons.
Can anyone suggest ? Opinion... Please...
schwinnaudio . com
Just wondering if a desicion can be made based on the offerings? Synergy with amp must play a big role so it's a good place to start I guess. See what others listed here then peruse the forums to see if any threads mention if the pre matches with the amp one has already.
IMO/IME when you go for synergy its one coloration counteracting another- not a good way to go if you really want neutrality. I recommend choosing equipment on its strengths, if that makes any sense.

So far IME I’ve found a great preamp will mate well with many amps. Tube or Ss. MOS FET or Bipolar output devices. Push pull tubes in ultralinear, and Hybrids.

If where the volume knob rests when in use is a consideration for you, some further investigations might be necessary though.

In many matches, my preamp volume knob never gets past noon o’clock. Usually residing somewhere between 9-11. it has a lot of gain, in the area of 20-23 db.

For myself though it’s no big deal… the sound and infulence it has on the music however, is indeed.

Good luck.