Odyssey Stratos vs. Monarchy SM-70 PRo ?

Dear fellow AudiogoNers,

Once again I am appealing to your superior knowledge to help me settle a conundrum:

I just got a pair of Gallo Reference II's and I can't help but feel my Sunfire Signature is not doing them justice. For quite a while now I have been reading/hearing that although the Sunfire is a magnificent BRUTE, there are other more refined choices out there. Since I prefer classical, vocal, and easy instrumental over really hard rock, I'm ready to try something a bit more refined (if not as powerful as the Sunfire).

I have narrowed my choice to an Odyssey Stratos (maybe Extreme version?) and a pair of the Monarchy SM-70 PRo's

What are your thoughts on this? I'm guessing even if you do not have this exact same combination, your experience with either or both of these amps will allow you to give me your informed opinion...

As always, thanks a million!


Hello Luynes,
I can only comment on the Odyssey Stratos Extreme Mono blocks. I have had these running since May 2006 and have no problem giving them my highest recomendation.
I have run them with and in the following configurations:
A) Through a NAD 1700 monitor series S/State pre-amp. Not bad, quite listenable and enjoyable.
B) Through a SF Line 2SE+ tube pre-amp. Very sweet and musical, nice step up from the NAD.
C) Direct out from my Cary CDP into the amplifiers. WOW! absilutely wonderful, this is where the Odsyssey amps really showcased their abilities. If I didn't have to accommodate multiple sources I would run in this configuration all the time ... WITHOUT QUESTION!

Here is a list of the equipment currently in use:
Power Amps: Odyssey Mono Extreme’s (mono blocks)
Pre-amp: Sonic Frontiers Line 2SE+ (Tweeked pre-amp)
CDP: Cary CD-308 (solid state)
CDP: Sony SCD-333ES changer
DVD: Toshiba SD-3950
Speakers: Paradigm Reference Studio 60v2

Hope this helps and good luck in your quest.


I have a pair of Odyssey Stratos Extreme Monoblocks which I am using with either the Odyssey Candela Pre or a Modwright 9.0SE (with oil caps and Bybee filter upgrade) to drive my Magnepan 3.6R's with great success. The Stratos Extremes really control the maggies but also sound tremendous with my smaller Soliloquy 5.3's or Quad ESL 63.
I recommend them extremely highly for both their sheer power and also their finess.
Oh that's a tough one. Had the Monarchy 70s and listened to the Odyssey Stratos at a buddy's home. The Stratos sounds more rounded too me. The SM70s a little cleaner with a slight sweetness to them. The sound will be more depended on how each unit works with your speakers and the preamp used. From hearing both..I would probably give the nod to the Monarchys in transparency.Both are very pleasant to listen too.