Best 300b single-ended Tube amp. for the $

Also matching speaker or horn recommendations
"My monitors are 89db @ 7ohms,though if I added a powered sub wouldn't that compensate a little power distribution-wise?"

Not unless you included some type of "high-pass" filter before the amp to block low frequencies from reaching it. Even then, it may not work depending on the impedance curve of your speakers.

Bottom line, your speakers probably were not designed to be used with low-powered SET amps, so don't waste your energy trying doing so. That would be an attempt to use the wrong tool for a specific job.

The goal is not have a system that simply works, but to have one that works to the best of it's abilities. Your speakers will not provide that with lower-powered SETs.

On the other hand, Art Audio's 16wpc Carissa (845 tube), or even better, 20/32wpc Jota (depending on output tube) probably will drive your speakers fairly well. But, they do not have the same "magic" of the lower powered offerings. Although, they do have their own benefits in the area of lushness and slam, respectively. Either of these amps could potentially make a fantastic match with your current speakers.

Please heed the advice people are trying giving you here, low-power SET systems requirement far more planning and understanding than normal high power setups. There are no shortcuts, there are no free lunches.
Ok - I need new speakers... and I like the PX-25 SET.

Is there a used speaker in the $2-3000 range that is a great match for that amp. and jazz lovers?
The Zu Druid or one of the cheaper horns, like the Cain and Cain Abby, might suit your needs. The latter sound and look great, maybe not ideal for Mahlers 9th, but wonderful for Jazz, solo singers etc
Good choice Saffy,

The PX-25 is one of the finest amps I have ever heard. It has a musical quality that is entirely unique, one reviewer coined the phrase "as if instruments were lit from within". I agree.

The PX is 6wpc, but has current capabilities beyond the normal 6-10wpc SET amp. I suggest speakers of >95dB to really let the amp shine.

I'm partial to single-driver, or more accurately, wide-range driver speakers. They usually feature a 1st order, or no, crossover at all, which along with the single point of origin for the majority of the frequency range leads to a greater time and phase coherence than multi-driver speakers with higher order crossovers.

By "musical coherence" I mean that is as if all sound flows from a single musical tapestry. Not one dimensional, but a beautifully woven soundscape of depth and nuance. Done properly, it is awe inspiring and there is nothing like it.

But, that isn't the only, or even best, approach. Like everything in audio, which is best for you is a personal choice and may not be the same for anyone else.

Welborne Labs, which also makes fantastic SET amps, has a great page listing speakers that mate well with SET amps. They also have a short primer on proper speaker matching.

The best advice I could offer for anyone interested in high-eff speakers would be to check here, Audio Asylum's High Efficiency Speaker forum, and on the Fullrange Driver Forum for a horn or high-eff listeners group in your city. At the very least, there might a few owners in your area. Ask if you can check out their systems. The more you hear the better.

Take your time before jumping in, high-eff systems are much harder to get right than most people would think. And enjoy the learning process.
I think I may have it here.

Recently off ebay I found a Spark/Cayin 300b single ended from about 1997 design , but this appears to have been a model year 2000 unit. I retubed it with a set of VAlvo e188cc vintage and a set of Sylvania 6sn7. The 300b are kr audio 300b.

Playing a variety of jazz LP's and some varied blugrass, female vocal, strings, horn section, with some clean plucked bass. Just finished some odd Japanese album I was lucky to find today. Linen jacket and early Victor pressing. Gorgeous

Sounds are playing through some vintage Altec 604's with a clean sealed sub for the nether region. The Altecs are housed in a heavy solid Teak ply cabinet. The subwoofer has a cabinet that is quite dense. Very fast and bass notes are complete and full throughout the range

A friend that's a musician was here and we might have had some Adult beverages... but he'll attest

Something clicked totally within the system this eve. I finally figured out two key things that perfectly hit the stage-like realism at low non-fatigueing levels. So solid yet so there... yowza, nirvana.

In looking for an equivelent system, I haven't heard another like it.
