Anyone hear the new C.A.T. Legend pre at the CES?

Did anyone attending the show hear the new C.A.T. Legend pre-amp.I saw a picture of it on the stereophile website but no mention of what it sounded like.
I did not go to the show but I spoke with a dealer today, whom I know to be very reliable, and asked him if he heard the Legend while he was in Las Vegas and he said that it was the best sound that he heard at the show. It appears that some dealers have a waiting list already and you may have to wait a few months to be able to purchase one. Just my $0.02 worth.
I heard it. Ken Stevens was using it with a JL2 Signature Mk II and Ascendo loudspeakers. I don't recall the digital source. Considering the abysmal room acoustics I thought it sounded excellent. Had a great time; Ken's an interesting, nice fellow.