Opinions on Audio Research LS17 & LS26

Geting ready to purchase new preamp. Interested on opinions/experiences with ARC LS17 & LS26. Thanks.
I demo'd the ARC 300.2 amp and ARC LS26 preamp in my system (Ayre CX7e CD player; ARC PH5 Phono preamp; Linn LP12/Ittok LVII/Lyra Argo/Lingo; Wilson Audio Sophia Series II loudspeakers; Shunyata Hydra 4; various cables including AQ speaker cables and Cardas Cross XLR interconnects). The LS26 is a wonderful preamp and will be the next one that I purchase when I can afford to do so. It is a champ at soundstaging, is very neutral in my system with no sonic signatures of its own, & pardon the cliche, it just gets out of the way of the music. I cannot speak to the LS17 because my dealer did not have one in stock.

In addition, I also found the folks at ARC wonderful to deal with. In particular, Leonard was always helpful and accessible whenever I had any questions.

As always, the best way to know for sure is to demo the preamp with your system to ensure there is system synergy with the rest of your gear. Best of luck with your purchase!
I have a Ls26 and a 300.2 ,a cd mk3 and the very revealing, proac 1SC's. The LS 26 is incredable.A hugh wide and tall soundstage. no coloration .Does everthing better than anything I've heard before.
I have a LS26 and love it. This is a somewhat different sound from Audio Research products.The 26 is very close to the Ref, just a tad bit smaller in its presentation. This is the best buy in their new line IMO. This is a great leap ahead from their past preamps. The new line is the most organic sounding,lots of air, massive soundstage, as deep as it is wide, which just floats into your space. I really enjoy the decay, which just goes on and on and creats an effortless, carefree, relaxed feel.
As I understand, the 17 sounds the same, again just smaller and with a few less features. I have not heard the 17.
We recently purchased a new Audio Research LS26 from a highly recommended dealer in Austin, Texas (Mark Lyon of Audio System). The amp now has almost 100 hours booked. Out of the box, the LS26 superceded the demo of a LS25MKII that we had for almost a month (courtesy of Goodwin's High End in Waltham, Ma...thank you, Paul. We did purchase the demo 150.2 from Goodwin's). Please allow me to emphasize that the LS26 was the superior preamp choice in our room and with equipment, without investing the more dollars required by the highend Classe or Audio Research (Reference 3). Actual performance may vary depending on equipment synergy and room dynamics, as many here at audiogon are aware.

With almost 100 hours on the LS26, it is without reservation that we state that it is a brilliant preamp. A formal review will follow after 200 hours. For your reference, associated equipment include:

Audio Research 150.2 amp -- demo, purchased in Feb. 2007 (Goodwin's)

Wilson Audio Sophia Series 2 loudspeakers -- demo, purchased 10/2006 local dealer

Audio Research Phono Preamp PH5 -- purchased August 2006

Late model purchase of Linn LP 12 Sondek/Cirkus/Trampolin turntable

Linn LVII tonearm -- purchased used from local dealer

Lyra Argo i Cartridge -- purchased new from local dealer (late 05/ early 06)

Linn Lingo PS -- purchased new from local dealer (late 05/early 06)

Cardas Cross XLR interconnect, 1.0 m -- demo, purchased from local dealer

Cardas Golden Cross XLR -- demo -- purchased early 2007, 1.0m

Cardas Golden Reference Power Cable -- demo -- purchased 2007, 6 ft

TG Audio SLVR Power Cable, 5 ft., originally purchased new from manufacturer (while Bob Crump was alive)

Shunyata Hydra 4 Power Conditioning

We highly recommend the Audio Research LS26 preamp for all of those in the market for a new preamp. It supercedes many that we demo'd including many name brands (McIntosh, Audio Research LS25MKII, Classe, etc).
