Opinions on Audio Research LS17 & LS26

Geting ready to purchase new preamp. Interested on opinions/experiences with ARC LS17 & LS26. Thanks.
Audphile1, thanks for tip on replacing the caps - do you know where they can be purchased? The audio dealer I visited (Stereo Design in San Diego) has a very low key approach - they let me listen to whatever I want and don't "push" any of their products. They know they carry great stuff and just want me to be happy with whatever I choose - so they did not care that I was not going to pull the trigger and purchase the LS-26. They probably figure I'll eventually purchase one of their other products at some other time (and they are probably right).
Dpac996, I regret I didn't change out the power supply caps on the LS-15 though. I should have replaced those Nichicon caps with some Black Gates. Could have been even better!

Ackman00, see www.percyaudio.com
I purchased capacitors from this website. Michael is a pleasure to deal with. If you are going to purchase TRT caps, I recommend you also investigate the possibility of changing the power supply caps to BlackGates. But the TRT Dynamicaps along should bring a very nice improvement.
I think this upgrade is totally worth it. Improvements across the board, especially comparing to the REL caps ARC used in this pre.
Wow...I just purchased an ls26 - hooked up with a classe dr-25, NAD M5 (the new masters series product, which in itself, is an amazing piece), b&w 801s strung together with transparent ultra mm interconnects and speaker cable throughout, and rounded out with the amazing transparent power isolator 4 (with transparent power cables throughout). My first impression of the ls26 was nothing short of spectacular (right out of the box, i might add!). The breadth and depth of the soundstage is nothing short of...well, 'live'. It is truly a wonderous piece of gear. I should add that the addition of the PI-4 power isolator added a great deal to the configuration in terms of wholly eliminating all extraneous 'noise'...I was somewhat doubtful of the impact which a line conditioner could have upon the sound, but the Transparent product is nothing short of stunning.
Congratulations! I share your opinion of the LS-26... wait until it gets about 250 hours on it!!!