Audio Horizon Preamp

I've read glowing reviews from anonymous users about the audio horizon preamp. Unfortunately, we all know that some of these reviews may not even be real. Does anyone know if there are any audio publications that have tried this preamp. Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?
Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?

Actually no, I don't think so. Stereophile is not a non-profit organization. Their business is based mostly on advertisements and to a lesser degree subscriptions. I haven't seen any Audio Horizons advertisements in Stereophile, hence they are not 'paying' to advertise.
If Audio Horizons played the game, they would garner more reviews, but they would then have to pass the added cost on to their customers. If you are more comfortable with reviews from the glossy rags, you have to pay the advertising/marketing fees that are applicable.

Stereophile is not out searching the globe for the best valued products for you. Their advertisers would be very upset if this were the case.

I'm one of those who has given the Audio Horizons TP-2.0 preamp high praises. My opinion is if the audio rags, who get paid advertisements from other preamp makers, decided to review the TP 2.0 preamp(who doesn't pay for advertising), they would unfortunately lose some key advertisers. Joseph Chow offers a free 30 day trial to evaluate his preamp. YOU be the one who makes the decision. Chances are there are some audio rag reviewers who don't have either the taste or listening abilities that you have. Your own ears are the final decision makers.
01-17-07: Sherod
My opinion is if the audio rags, who get paid advertisements from other preamp makers, decided to review the TP 2.0 preamp(who doesn't pay for advertising), they would unfortunately lose some key advertisers.

You have a little more faith in getting an honest review from Stereophile than I do. I wouldn't be surprised to see them give the TP 2.0 a bad review to please the advertisers. I notice that Stereophile rarely gives bad reviews anymore, but if they do, it's to a smaller company, not one of the big boys.

I still get Stereophile, but they have become like Playboy, no one reads the articles. :)
Seriously, I want to see the pictures, and descriptions of the units functions. I don't put $0.02 into what they say about sonics. I've heard too much gear that they were high on, and left the room scratching my head in amazement, to put much faith in their 'reviews'. You can't provide truely honest reviews when you are a slave to your advertisers. Similar to a politician, whose is beholden to his campaign contributors ahead of his constituants.

That is just my jaded opinion. I have no facts that Stereophile writers are on the take, they may just simply be deaf. :)

Kensetsu, the anonymous Audiogon reviewers to whom you refer need not remain anonymous. You can contact them and discuss your questions about the preamp with them.

Try the products yourself. Afterward, you may have a different opinion than mine about them. But your opinion would be informed by experience.