Audio Horizon Preamp

I've read glowing reviews from anonymous users about the audio horizon preamp. Unfortunately, we all know that some of these reviews may not even be real. Does anyone know if there are any audio publications that have tried this preamp. Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?
Kensetsu, I don't understand your ramblings. If you are not interested in the Audio Horizons preamp, just buy something else. It seems pretty straight forward to me, I don't know why you're having such emotional difficulties.

Lord knows there are plenty of other preamps on the market. Why waste time and energy on something your skepticism won't allow you to try. With the free trial offer, I don't understand what you have to lose, but maybe paying for return shipping is out of your budget, who knows?

I could understand your rant if you tried it and thought that it sucked and that all these fellows were shilling. However, you choose to question others integrity simply because you lack the intestinal fortitude to take AH up on their free trial. This says more about your character than of those you are questioning.

It's just a preamp, quite whining and buy something.

FWIW, I have no affiliation, I don't even own a AH preamp, as I want a truely balanced tube preamp. I just sent back a BAT VK-32SE because I didn't care for it. I have a ARC Ref 3 due in next. Instead of whining about what others claim are great preamps, I choose to listen for myself and judge for myself. It's a wonderful thing.


I looked this thread up and sorta wondered why it got lost.

I've had my own threads completely dissapear for no apparent reason, only to find a newer, similar one catch more fish.

Anyway, nothing fishy or suspicious about the preamp, the other thread or anything connected with it.

I was "completely" skeptical in the beginning and swore up and down I'd never get rid of my modded reference preamp.

So, I called Joseph for a 30 day audition.

Within two days, I sold my previous preamp and forgot the remaining 28 days and purchased it.

Just give him a call and try one, nothing to lose (except some of your time)

P.S. John, you're right about the try it and see if you like it in your own rig for satisfaction !

Oh, that's right. I just re-read your original post. You need a review from a glossy rag to tell you it's good. In that case, just buy a ARC Ref 3, VTL 7.5 or CJ Act 2.
If you can't afford these, the Cary SLP-98 has a good review.

Personally, I don't put much weight into glossy rags reviews, as they have their own agendas as well. However, if you need the reassurance of someone else to tell you what sounds good, by all means forget the AH and buy a preamp that has been blessed by TAS and/or Stereophile.

I don't think anyone here really cares what you buy. I know I don't. Just quit your whining and buy something. It's been almost two months, if you don't like the replies, ignore them and buy whatever you want.....sheeesh :0
Post removed 
I just chimed in on the other thread, as a very happy, very satisfied A-H *customer*. Perhaps the reason that five or six people keep talking about Joseph's gear is that it is THAT good. Not only that, but Joseph and Victor are a real pleasure to deal with; very flexible, very informative.

Like Rx8man, it only took me two days to abandon my previous preamp and go with the TP 2.0n.

Kensetsu - Your post reminds me of a story. A local man was walking along the beach when a couple stopped to speak with him. They asked, "We're from out of town. How are the people here?" The man replied, "Well, how are the people where you come from?" The couple said, "They're really nice!" The man said, "I think you'll find people to be the same way around here."

Later, the man was stopped by another couple who asked how the local people were. "How are they where you come from?", asked the man. "Oh, they're a bunch of idiots, complete morons!" replied the couple. The man said, "Well, I think you'll find people to be the same way around here."

The point being, Kensetsu, that if you look for scams, deceipt, and lies behind every thread, that's exactly what you'll find, because that's your perspective. If, on the other hand, you have a little faith in what people here are writing, you might understand that we just plain love the Audio Horizons gear.
