Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?

On the tube front... AR Ref3 vs. CJ ART3 vs. VL TL-7.5 vs. Wavac PR-T1?

Or on the SS front... Burmester 808Mk5 vs Dartzeel NHB-18NS vs Krell Evolution2 vs MBL 6010D vs Halcro DM10?

My preference would be a neutral tube based model.

Any opinions?

06-28-07: Atmasphere
So the 'best' does not exist?

Well I think 'the best' does exist in many different forms. What is 'the best' to one may not be 'the best' to another. So I would say there is no 'absolute best', that is one that everyone WILL agree on, but there are many preamps out there that some will SAY is the best. Synergy, room interactions, and musical preferences probably have a lot to do with the reason why there is no one absolute best.

Same way with most things in life, different tastes in people, cars, vacation spots, or even ice cream flavors. There is no absolute best on any of these items, why should preamps be any different?

So- if there is no 'best', doesn't it seem that there are a lot of manufacturers *saying* they have the best? I agree they can't all be right :)

Seems to me also that this got covered in another thread.

But still I find myself wondering- if someone in fact had a genuine breakthrough in preamp technology, something that was so much better that it would be obvious to anyone in 5 seconds of listening, what would that look like? Would that be the best then? or is it still subject to the 'versions of vanilla' phenom?

This would appear to allow someone in my position to make all sorts of claims about gear that could not be quantified- or denied. And a manufacturer like say, Sony, for example, could make the identical claims on a preamp that is no-where near the same capability.

So I guess what I am saying is there is no integrity in throwing up one's collective hands and saying there is no 'best'. I think to handle the situation with integrity one would have to admit that there is the *possibility* that this or that preamp is the best, whereas in the same breath there will be other preamps that *cannot possibly* be best.

Would that be a more accurate statement?
06-28-07: Atmasphere
So- if there is no 'best', doesn't it seem that there are a lot of manufacturers *saying* they have the best? I agree they can't all be right :)

Seems to be an awful lot of pizza manufacturers saying 'You've tried all the rest, now try the best', no? They can't all be right can they? Anyone can make a claim, as no one owns the copyright to the word 'Best', AFAIK.
So go ahead and make the claim Ralph, maybe it'll even boost sales. ;^)

As for your last statement, I don't know. I'm sure somewhere there is a Sony preamp owner that feels his preamp is the best. I don't think it's safe to assume that you can find anything in audio that someone, somewhere won't claim is the 'best'. I think the word 'best' is really overused and meaningless at this point. Just like there is no one 'Best' man, only many different folks opinions of who the 'Best' man really is. 8-)


The absolute best preamp does not exist any more than the absolute sound does, with the exception of the magazine that owns that title. Too many variables interact to produce countless impressions and outcomes. With all of the colorations out there---especially those of every instrument and component---the most meaningful scenario of best comes in the form of a question: "What will constitute the best match for my system in terms of the kind of sound that satisfies me most ?" And that doesn't even come close to a definitive and/or collective notion of best.
Still in my opinion and after 50 years in this hobby starting out in tubes in 1957 and going solid state in 1977.And having worked in the music industry for 30 years I think I have a little knowledge in this area. The FM Acoustic brand is the pinnacle of the audio arts and has been so for some thirty years or more. All cutting edge studios world wide and artist alike own this gear and they would own nothing else. It is the most expensive audio gear on the planet, their client list is a literal whos who of the industry.

No I don't own it , cannot justify that expenditure at my age now. But I am familiar with FM Acoustics gear and I have heard it many times in studio settings as well as in private homes. FM Acoustics is nothing short of totally mesmerizing and a sonic signature that will leave you immersed in each note. Once you hear this gear, you will never forget the experience. Yes their is a best and it is FM Acoustics, nothing and I mean nothing else is even remotely close. But this type of excellence is not for the weak of heart, and for those of us that have to ask how much. If any the respondents to this thread get a chance to audition this gear or actually hear it in its own environment, do so at your own risk. For those of you that harbor the notion the best does not exits. Then you must keep that belief until you hear FM Acoustics.