Advice on tube amp/pre

I have a pair of Proac D25's doing service with a Moon I-3. Hoping to move to a tube setup, possible with a tube pre via the moon for a while or else a tube integrated. Looking for phono support as the main immediate driver hence the possibility of a tube front end..
Has anyone experience with these specific Proac's and tube setup who could offer advice? I seem drawn to the Manley stingray however hoping to gain a broader perspective from some sampled combos..
You should be able to get a good used pair of snappers for under$3000. There's a stong market for them so you can try them and sell them if your not happy.

Check out the Pathos MKII integrated hybrid tube/ss.That is a beautiful piece of work.Upscale Audio has all the technical particulars.
I am audiotioning both an ARC VT50 and Unisons Research S6 this weekend. If anyone has input on those, much appreciated!
The ARC SP-16 has an intagrated phono stage. The pre is quite lush sounding and, in my opinion, is most suiting if digital is your primary medium. I use the phono stage occasionally, but it isn't quite as good as most arc stand-alone phonos.