Amp for Thiel CS1.5?

Hi again folks,
Well I settled on purchasing a set of Thiel CS1.5 speakers to upgrade more to 2-channel from HT. I may live with my Outlaw 1050 powering them for a short time but know I'll need a separate amp from what I've read.

Thiel's website seems to strongly suggest getting an amp that will double the wattage as the impedence halves. Getting something close to this will probably narrow the field of contenders.

My biggest constraint is what I can spend on an amp right now. I can probably swing around $500-600 for the amp.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Just from reading I've wondered about a 70 or 100 watt from Classe, or that a Rotel might be a stepping stone until I can swing something nicer.

In your price range you might be able to find a used conrad johnson 2250; cj is a good match for thiels. I currently run a cj premier350 into thiel 3.6's with great results. Prior to the premier 350 I used a cj 2500A also with good results.

70 watts won't cut it!
These are great little floor standers that love power and can be hard to drive. My experiences with them left me with wanting a little more bass and softer in the highs. These are very "accurate" and a bright amp may not work well.
If I had to choose for your money, I'd look for an Aragon or a similar Class A rated solid state amp with "warmer" sound and built to withstand the speakers needs.

I agree thiels love good quality power and the more the merrier but for 500-600 hi4head is not going to get much. Even what I recommended is going to push his budget probably beyond what he has.

