Audio Aero Prima MKII v/s Unison Research Unico


Has anybody ever tested both?
Any suggestions on speakers for the AA?


I love my MK2 and have had an AA dealer and a fellow Audiogoner say that it beats the MK3 thanks to livelier dynamics and better bass impact. I auditioned the mk3 but not in A/B with mine. I haven't heard the Unico but I have had a lot of CD players come through my system and the AA is a winner. See my system page for lots more info.

I owned both the Audio Aero Prima MKI amp and the Unison Unico. The Audio Aero is dynamic, detailed with a good soundstage. I assume the MK II would be even better.

The Unico on the other hand was the worst sounding amp I heard to date - veiled, lifeless and boring. Of course, I did try tube rolling and if you like it even more boring and lifeless I guess you try some different tubes.

Not much of a questions in my opinion. The same is also true for their CD players. The Prima CDP is much better than the Unico, although the Unico CDP was not quite as boring as the amp.
Feel better now Restock?
I think it is important to keep system synergy in mind and not just look at an individual component. The Unico is not bright,and has a sweet but airy top end, which may sound veiled and boring to some, in particular if mathed with warmer speakers. So before aswering your question, it is very important to consider the charachteristics of you speakers an other components. In contrast to Restock´s experience, the Unico is one of the best amps I´ve heard.... and definitively won me over.
Hmm. I switched from the Audio Aero Mk I to the Unico. Much more detail, much bigger soundstage, just as musical. VERY happy using Raytheon 12au7s. My two cents.