whats pre/pro ? + HELP..picking a pre amp

i,m trying to split my system in two and only want a STEREO pre amp with coaxal inputs (or is it digital) for a cd player, tuner, just audio.... is there such a creature? or should i look into a pre amp, like a b&k avp3090 that has "zones" and run cables? would that be "pre/pro"?
i'm open for suggestions/guidance... i'm new to this stuff so please be gentle, my head already hurts (and bank account) from thinking about this.
if your wondering why...the room i'm calling the theater/livingroom has a fireplace with surrounding cabinets so my fronts are mounted off the ceiling and center is on the mantle, i,m very happy with this setup for movies not music, i have a pair of martin logans but they block everything, hence split.
taking a sledge hammer and chainsaw to the cabinets is not a option.(yet) audio freaks.
thanks for your feedback if i don't follow up.
Depending on your cd player why do you need digital inputs (coax or fiber optic?) any pre amp will accept your RCA left and right from your disc player to pre amp of your choice (try tubes!), only thing is....... what are you going to use for an amp?
i have a hafler dh-500 to power the logan's and the receiver i have does not have a pre out, unless theres a trick to it, i'll have to get a seperate pre amp. the receiver puts out 100wpc and the logans handling is 80-200w.
i used my dvd player to play cd's which i could only play one at a time so i got a 5 disk cd changer and hooked it up. at first i was upset that the sound quality of a devoted harmon karon cd player(fl8385) was inferior to a $20 polaroid dvd player realizing my receiver only has one coaxal input for a dvd, i removed the dvd player and hooked up the cd player in it's place using the "digital"(rca) out on the cd player and plugged it into the coaxal input on the receiver for the dvd, that was the trick. for me this gives me a fuller sound than just the audio inputs. so now i'm looking for a pre amp to support two systems or split them into two seperate systems. it seems if i try to support both i'll have to get a amp for the surround sound and get rid of my receiver.