LINN Majik vs Classik vs Wakonda vs Kairn

I have owned a Linn Kairn for over 10 years. I have no complaints nor do I ever plan to sell it. Recently I acquired a LINN Majik for a second system and was REALLY amazed at how good it sounds. Even the small 33wpc amp built into the Majik seems capable enough to drive smaller speakers. The excellence of the Majik made me wonder if the LINN Classik Music sounded as good as the Majik or possibly better?

I have also heard that the Wakonda with 'Circular Brilliant' or 'Slimline Brilliant' power supply were very good preamps. Are these two different Wakonda versions better or different sonically than the Majik or Classik Music? I have never heard any reference to the 'Slimline Brilliant' being vastly superior to the 'Circular Brilliant'? (Only that 'Slimline' is just better) My hunch is that the 'Circular Brilliant' is a torroidal transformer inside a shielded case. Does anyone know what's inside the 'Circular Brilliant'?

So, are there any strong opinions as to whether the Classik Music sounds better than the Majik? To my knowledge the Majik does NOT have 'Brilliant' power supply, but I'm not sure about the Classik Music?

Also, having the added convenience of a LINN CD player built into the Classik Music makes it very appealing for a small room...but is this internal LINN CD player really worth the up charge for an all-in-one unit, vs these other LINN offerings like Wakonda or Majik?

How would you compare these four different Linn preamps, sonically, especially the major differences between Majik, Classik and Wakonda? I presume the Kairn is the best of the bunch.

And as a follow-up question, is it safe to 'split' the preamp output on the Majik 2 or 3 times and use one pair to drive an external amp and another pair of outputs to reconnect to the Majik? I can't see any reason why this would harm the Majik, but would there be a limit to how many times you could split the preamp-out signal of ANY preamp? The Classik Music DOES include a dedicated Pre-out, but the Majik does not. Does splitting a pre-out signal effectively split the output power?

Thanks in advance for any comments.
It may be quite old.

The 1st Briliant Power Supply was the size of a toroidal. It BPS wad inside a shielded enclosure the size of a toroidal. Are you sure you don't have that one? If you have a small S/N you may not have a BPS. The round BPS was an improvement over the original.

The latest version had a very small shielded slim BPS in the area where the other was, hence the name slimline brilliant ps. Linn claims it was their best version of the Majik.

At about that time Linn also when from through-the-hole soldering to state of the art surface-soldering. It was a massive investment in retooling but yielded the shortest signal path an a very fast sound.

That is the the one I had, but I personally don't know the sonic differences between the versions. This latest version with surface mounted devices and slimline BPS is unofficially know as the Majik II

I hope this helps.
I'm trying to make this decision also. Driving my Ninka speakers. Should I buy Classik or Majik. I would like to add Sonos for my digital music. Thanks for any advise. Mainly shopping EBAY
4drjohn, I'm getting a Linn Classik w/tuner tomorrow. $484.00 yeah, I got a decent price. This will be my 3rd one. I have an all tube system, but can't play it for several months a year due to lightening here in Florida. I got a pair of Katans last week that I will use with one sub. You can always add another amp later on if you feel the need for more power. I've also owned Ninkas, and Majik 140's that worked well with the Classik. I love the Classik for a second system, because it is very flexable and you can add to it as you go. The one for 600.00 on ebay might be had for 500.00 The seller listed it for a day for that much. I know because I spoke with him. It also has the remote. You need to demand the box and manual. He dosen't have them, so this may help. The Classik should sound great with the Ninkas. Best of luck, and let us know what you do.