It may be quite old.
The 1st Briliant Power Supply was the size of a toroidal. It BPS wad inside a shielded enclosure the size of a toroidal. Are you sure you don't have that one? If you have a small S/N you may not have a BPS. The round BPS was an improvement over the original.
The latest version had a very small shielded slim BPS in the area where the other was, hence the name slimline brilliant ps. Linn claims it was their best version of the Majik.
At about that time Linn also when from through-the-hole soldering to state of the art surface-soldering. It was a massive investment in retooling but yielded the shortest signal path an a very fast sound.
That is the the one I had, but I personally don't know the sonic differences between the versions. This latest version with surface mounted devices and slimline BPS is unofficially know as the Majik II
I hope this helps.
The 1st Briliant Power Supply was the size of a toroidal. It BPS wad inside a shielded enclosure the size of a toroidal. Are you sure you don't have that one? If you have a small S/N you may not have a BPS. The round BPS was an improvement over the original.
The latest version had a very small shielded slim BPS in the area where the other was, hence the name slimline brilliant ps. Linn claims it was their best version of the Majik.
At about that time Linn also when from through-the-hole soldering to state of the art surface-soldering. It was a massive investment in retooling but yielded the shortest signal path an a very fast sound.
That is the the one I had, but I personally don't know the sonic differences between the versions. This latest version with surface mounted devices and slimline BPS is unofficially know as the Majik II
I hope this helps.