Anyone else regenerating A/C?

I just got the Exact Power EP-15a and partnering Ultrapure products to regenerate my entire set-up.Previously I had very good passive units(I've tried a load of stuff),on three dedicated lines.The newest "Exact" stuff trounces anything I have experienced(I've had a competitor's regenerating stuff,which ran too hot),and I am wondering if this technology has a wide following?This new regenerater/Balanced unit produces NO heat,thankfully!
It is REALLY worth looking into.Any other subscribers?
I bought a PS Audio 300 Power Plant here on Audiogon and I'm very happy with it. In fact it is due back to me within a day or two after being modified. I'm expecting it to sound even better now. I have PS Audio power cords from the dedicated line to the plant and to the amp. The most expensvie cord is to the amp. The P-300 might not be the best unit out there of it's kind but it worked so well for me that I have not done one minute of dedicated listening in it's absence. My rig sounds great but the PS Audio took it to another level. Can't wait to get it back.
No one has mentioned APS PurePower?
A reviewer commented that its down to personal choice or more like system synergy or maybe what kind of power your are being suppied with as to what is best for your own system. He noted that one of his fellow reviewers is all for the Hydra 8 (recently upgraded to (V-Ray) and yet another swears by the ExactPower 15A. At the time PS-Audio's PPP was not out as yet.
The P300 has been in my system for four years now, has worked like a champ and can't imagine it not being there. If ever it broke irreparably I would replace it with the newer model.
I recently bought the Power Plant Premier after researching and waiting over a year before pulling the trigger. Nothing really appealed to me before. I favored AC regeneration on purely theoretical grounds but was concerned about its limitations i.e. power handling and dynamic constriction among others. It came down to the Exact Power and PS Audio. The PPP addressed all the issues I was concerned about. The advantages over the EP were unrestricted power delivery(very large bus bars), component to component isolation, real surge and overvoltage protection. You are right, AC regeneration is easily audible, even compared to the passive Tice unit I've had for 10 years that it replaced. Component isolation is also audible and important since I have an amp with a switch mode power supply and a CD player that throw alot of crap into the electrical line. I can't comment on PS audio reliability since this is the first product I've purchased from them but I am very impressed with the fit and finish and overall quality of the Premier. BTW, the PPP produces very little heat. Sorry for the long rant.
The P3 would appear to offer some advantages over the EP in terms of including balanced AC and (so they claim) inter-component isolation without having to add a second unit like with the EP. (And then there's MultiWave.) This makes it cheaper, but does it sound as good, or better? It'd be interesting to hear from anybody who's heard the two companies' latest solutions go at it head to head.