Anyone else regenerating A/C?

I just got the Exact Power EP-15a and partnering Ultrapure products to regenerate my entire set-up.Previously I had very good passive units(I've tried a load of stuff),on three dedicated lines.The newest "Exact" stuff trounces anything I have experienced(I've had a competitor's regenerating stuff,which ran too hot),and I am wondering if this technology has a wide following?This new regenerater/Balanced unit produces NO heat,thankfully!
It is REALLY worth looking into.Any other subscribers?
The P3 would appear to offer some advantages over the EP in terms of including balanced AC and (so they claim) inter-component isolation without having to add a second unit like with the EP. (And then there's MultiWave.) This makes it cheaper, but does it sound as good, or better? It'd be interesting to hear from anybody who's heard the two companies' latest solutions go at it head to head.
FWIW I have the low end APS product and have to say that I am very impressed for the money. Seems to do it all well. I do however run my Pass directly to the wall. And yes, I feed the APS from my best power cord, a conclusion that the cord manufacturer seconded.

Great discussion guys but I am still unclear about the difference between the two Exact Power products the EP and the SP - enlightement please?
Ckorody, the EP is a power regenerator, the SP is a balanced power unit. All is made clear on their website:
SP units use balanced power transformers and are passive devices, intended mainly to follow the active EP. Companies including the aptly named BPT, API Power Wedge, Equi=Tech and others also offer component units based around balanced power transformers. But to get balanced AC to a power amp, you'd need to go with one of the larger BPT or E=T type units (or use a suitable transformer that's not packaged as a rack component), EP and API don't offer ones that large.
I'd like to second an earlier post asking for a listening omparison between the Shunyata Hydra and the Exact Power EP/SP combo. Has any one auditioned both?

It doesn't appear that the two power solutions compare like apples to apples. The Shunyata webpage says that the Hydra filters noise and isolates the components from each other, but does not claim that the unit regulates voltage.

Shunyata doesn't say how the Hydra's component isolation is accomplished, but apparently it does not offer a dedicated iso transformer for each outlet, as with the PS Audio Power Plant Premier. From the ExactPower webpage, the EP15a only separates the digital outlets from the rest. Can anyone make the case for the further isolation of EVERY component from every other component, via separate iso transformers or other filtering methods; or should it be sufficient to isolate the digital gear only?