Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Wow Amps i have had.
Starting in The teen years . My very first amp was actualy two Langvin Public address 250 watters. I had to replace all 4 tubes per chassis to operate them. and it cost me a summer of lawn mowing. They didnt have the quality i soon learned to appreciate. I next bought a 20 watt per channel intergrated bare chassis from lafayette radio corp. it severed well till I was handed down a Fisher 101A with a matching tuner. But as a kid "tubes" we now obsolete. I remember smashing that unit for kicks,/
I again found a nice retailer who offered used equipent and in high school i got my first Marantz 1030 and then a 1060 with 104 tuners. The speakers were marantz and I still have them, Upgraded in collage to bi amp and used the 1060 as a tweeter amp and bought a DC 300 III for the bass, soon needed larger woffers. and bought 18 inch JBL's I still have in 8 cu ft cabinets.addd another DC 300 and a Clarion Intergrated amp with huge input flexibility, Im now running two crown dc 300 's a BOSE 1800 pro, and a hafler 120P. with dolby digital via a yamaha reciever.
Ive had along the path a Phase linear stereo 200 and 400's both self destructed.The same with the Dynaco stereo 120 and a Dynaco stereo 400 and a beat up by a band DC150 crown. But with a loading factor in the 2 ohm range I expect that to happen to weaker amps, I now have established a vintage electronics business located in Upstate NY and at wolf_audio on eBay.
Theres a dynaco SCA 80 there now.
ARC VS110...harkens back to the tube magic of yesteryear without the limitations of frequency or control.
Since October 2003, my audio journey has taken me from...

1)Marantz SR7200 receiver
2)Fisher Studio Standard BA6000
3)Adcom GFA-555
4)Pioneer Reference M-90
5)PS Audio 250 Delta Monoblocks <== Current 2 channel setup.

I still have all the amps. Amps 1-4 are used in my HT setup right now. The PS audio sounds wonderful in my setup. They will be staying in my system for a while.
A pair of Carver M 4.0t (1988-1994)Sold both
Denon receiver DR-350? 55wts per channel(1994-1999)Kept
Audio Refinement Complete (1999-2000)Sold
Nakamichi PA 7 (2000-2000)Sold
Sonic Frontiers Power 2 (2000-2002)Sold
Audio Refinement Complete (2001-2001) This I was trying to set up a secondary system but it gave me trouble twice...Was my unit a lemon?
BC-2 Monoblocks which I got as trade for the Nak PA 7. Kept.(2000-present)
Assemblage ST300B Platinum (2001-present)loaded on closeout sale at SF!
McCormack DNA 225(2001-present and current set up.)

Most likely there will not be a change in my current amp for a long time. Maybe I will get a new preamp.


Fast forward 2 years:

Sold the BC-2 in Winter 2003/2004
DNA 225 sitting idling
47 Labs Shigaraki Integrated (2003-still here)
very fast and pratty
Final Music 6 battery powered amplifier (2004-current standard!) Wow paired with the Final Music 5 battery powered preamp.

Financially strapped for now. No more upgrades or changes, I promise (Yeah right.)
Looking for amplifier with the same Quad Forty II quality sound, but alot more power