Lamm ML1 and CJ ACT2

Hi guys,
I am looking into getting a new pre to go with my Lamm's.
I am seriously looking into a CJ ACT2......good match?

What else should I listen to?

I love all music.....just want a good match.
Thanks for all your comments and help. I will definitely try to hear all these. I am not requiring a tube pre, I guess my search just led me in that direction. And a remote would be nice, although not needed.

Thanks agin though to all of you.

Any more comments? Anyone tried the CJ with Lamm's?
I am currently using ACT 2 and Lamm M2.1 (hybrid) combo. They sound great to me. No edginess, huge soundstage, excellent pace and rythm, dynamic, detailed, and all other good stuff. I haven't tried ARC Ref 3. I am sure it is also very good. Hope you can try both in your system to sort it out.
hello, i currently have a mL1's and my preamp is the Lamm LL2. before the LL2, i was using a c-2800 accuphase solid state and the music was very pure! the LL2 is not so pure, but more musical until i changed the 12ax7a tubes on the mL1's to ecc803s. by just changing these tubes to the 803s, extended the lows/highs, smoother midrange, incredible soundstage and the bass was very impressive. now, for the money, you can buy a used LL2 for around $2400. for this price, you will not find another preamp at this price that will play as well as this peramp. oh yeah, my LL2 is using amerpex tubes which makes a big difference in the quality. good day david picarsic