Regarding the new preamp:
I spoke with the guys from Ayre at CES and the new preamp is not really a replacement for the K-1xe, as it really is their new reference line stage, which will match their new reference monoblocks. It will not have the capability of having the internal phono stage boards like the K-1xe, so if you want to have an Ayre phono stage, you'll have to buy the separate P-5xe phono stage (and an interconnect). This line stage will be in boxes similarly sized to the new reference monoblocks.
As far as the new amp you mentioned, I have no information about that.
Hope this helps!
PS If you wish "straight from the horse's mouth" information, you could ask Charles Hansen via Audio Asylum's forums, as he usually participates there regularly. (Although he does chime in here from time to time too!)
I spoke with the guys from Ayre at CES and the new preamp is not really a replacement for the K-1xe, as it really is their new reference line stage, which will match their new reference monoblocks. It will not have the capability of having the internal phono stage boards like the K-1xe, so if you want to have an Ayre phono stage, you'll have to buy the separate P-5xe phono stage (and an interconnect). This line stage will be in boxes similarly sized to the new reference monoblocks.
As far as the new amp you mentioned, I have no information about that.
Hope this helps!
PS If you wish "straight from the horse's mouth" information, you could ask Charles Hansen via Audio Asylum's forums, as he usually participates there regularly. (Although he does chime in here from time to time too!)