Loud Audible Hum/Noise from C/J Tube Amps

Anyone has experienced audible noise using C/J amplifiers: I have the LP70s and MV60SE. Once the preamp is turned on, the noise is too loud that can be heard 20-30 ft away. I was able to cured the problems by using th $49 cents plugs from home depot to bypass the ground loop. Any other suggestions? Is this normal for CJ amps? i have the same problem on both units...
I've owned two CJ amps (and 3 of their preamps),. The Premier 12 monoblocks exhibited no hum problems at all, and I frankly don't recall any with the pair of MV75A1 amps I had way back in the 1980s, but I THINK I'd remember.

A couple years ago I bought a Hsu subwoofer amp and was surprised that it came packed with a cheater plug and directions in the owner's manual to use it if necessary. It was, and I did. Good luck, Dave
I've had 2 CJ mono pairs,still have the 8xs---no hum. Me,I would swap out the ic's.---all of 'em. Fluorescent lights, anywhere in the house can cause such things as well. I also run a very good conditioner, that be Audio Response. The only hum I want is from the backup singers.
More on this fluorescent lights thing:--I sold a member an amp I had owned for at least a year and he complained about hum/ buzz---This amp was always quiet as a church mouse in my system---It ended up being this type of lights in his house.