The synergy of Ayre a.k.a. the

I read many great reviews of Ayre components individually (including their amps, pre-amps, integrated amp, phono stage, and CD / universal players) but don't see many complete Ayre systems listed here on the 'gon. I would think there would be advantage to a complete Ayre system that is more than just a sum of the components. Sure, it ends the journey abruptly, but for some, that may not be a bad thing. Who has bought the "whole widget", found it not to be to their liking, and decided to go back to "mix-n-match" (with success)?
I love my Ayre system. From my two sources (D-1xe for DVD & C-5xe for music) to my preamp (K-5xe) to my new MX-R monoblocks (which replaced my V-5xe), I'm Ayre through and through. Even my interconnects are Ayre signatures. As soon as my Ayre speaker cables get here, only my Vandersteen 5As will be from outside the fold. Each time I have replaced a third party product for the Ayre piece, the system has just gotten better to my ears. If you like what Ayre does, then more does provide synergies in the same direction. Until more of Charlie Hansen's "R" products come out (e.g. KX-R preamp), I'm basically done.
I'm using the P-5xe phonostage and K-1xe preamp. I have heard these two with both the V-1xe and MX-R amps and with the C-5xe CDP. I agree with Proth, the all Ayre systems are great. I want the MX-r amps but worry wether they have enough power for my Thiel CS7.2 speakers. I love the C-5xe but dont listen to CDs enough to justify the money on a new digital source.
"I want the MX-r amps but worry wether they have enough power for my Thiel CS7.2 speakers."

I had a short audition with the MX-Rs driving Thiels 7.2 a couple of months ago (not that I can afford either of them!). In the 20 minutes or so I spent with them, I thought it was probably the best system I had ever heard. I played some Richard Thompson to memorable effect. I'll comfortably say it had the most "presence" I've ever experienced. I can't imagine the MX-Rs don't have enough balls to drive the Thiels to insane SPLs (though I certainly didn't push them to crazy levels with Led Zeppelin). I see you are using JC-1s, which are said to be very powerful and excellent sounding. Only you can say whether the MX-Rs are better.

To the point of this thread, I started my high-end journey with an AX-7 after hearing how close it came to the sound of Ayre separates at a price within my budget. As I continued to upgrade my mid-fi system, it seemed a no brainer to get the CX-7. More recently, I got a killer deal on a used P-5x. I don't have much expereince "mixing and matching" high-end components other than what I've heard at dealers. All I can say is that my nearly all Ayre system is really singing, especially with my brand new Vandy 2ce Sig IIs which gets my vote for "most-highly-insane-screaming-deal" in audio. I never thought I'd have a system that sounds this good in my home!
I'm glad to hear the MX-rs were so nice with the 7.2s. I have heard the new Ayre amps on several occasions with the 2.4s and Thiel subwoofers with all ayre gear and the system is great. So great I bought the K-1xe and P-5xe. The MX-Rs are on my very short list for amps to replace my JC-1s.