Threshold T2 vs. Bryston SP26 vs. Plinius M8

Basically, which one of these 3 line stages do you think is the best? How does the older Threshold T2 compare to the new Bryston BP-26 and Plinius M8?

I am having a tough time choosing between the Threshold T2 and the Plinius M8 and may stretch my budget to the limit in considering the Bryston BP-26 if the latter is more superior to both. I own the Plinius SA-100Mk3 amp and Krell KPS-30i CD player.

Looking for transparency and dynamics and would like to avoid warm-sounding preamps.

Thanks in advance.
I had Plinius SA-102 revision 2 and SA-250mk4. Classe CP-47.5mk2 was very good combination. CP-65 way better. Plinius pre amps (and amps) have high(er) background noise IMO.
Try the Classe CP-65 if you can. It is very close to the Classe Omega pre.
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