Sansui A-80 help

I picked up a A-80 dirt cheap. [ cute little inegrated I'm going crazy to listen to ] However when I attempted to turn it on, it only came on for a few seconds. Afterwards it fizzeled and went off. Upon further attempts I found the same results. I noticed on the back there is a 220v sticker that someone has drawn a red line through.

I'm wondering if perhaps someone attemped to rewire it for 120v. Or perhaps there is something else going on.

thanks for any suggestions in advance.
As with many vintage pieces which have not been in use for a while, the Sansui most likely needed to be brought back on-line gradually by using a variac, or some other device that would limit the initial amount of voltage fed to the circuits. Sounds like you may have fried the unit and given what you paid, it may make little sense to even think about repairing.

Regards, Rich
Seems logical but the guy I bought it from claimed it was working 2 months ago. I would hope that I could fire it right up with only a 2 month break.