Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp

After reading a recent review on Enjoy the of the Berning ZH270 amp I got the opinion that maybe it was a good substitute for a powerful SET amp. Not having heard or able to hear the Berning amp I wondered what Agoner's thoughts were.
I struggle with the thought of buying a 845 SET in that ultimately I will be disappointed by the typical SET short comings. The Berning amp still being a P/P yet OTL makes me wonder if it could be the best of both worlds.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
I thought I would pass this conversation along that I had the other day with a guy from Berning Company(not David). I am not using his name to protect the innocent. He made the comment, that for me to like the Berning amp I would have to like the sound of live music not HI fI. I thought that was interesting... I think I like live music!!??? I know a good Hifi experience can be satisfing, but I would hope I would like the sound of music the way its "suppose to be."
I will admit, I am not sure that the sound of a SET is like live music..but still, it is an enjoyable experience. I just thought it was and interesting comment and deserved some thought.
SET amps take a special speaker and as you say has its limitations. Certainly not for me. Give me push/pull with either KT90 or 6550 tube. Speaker comes first as priority, amp second. I buy an amp that works with my speaker, not the other way around.
"He made the comment, that for me to like the Berning amp I would have to like the sound of live music not HI fI. I thought that was interesting..."

Liking one does not negate liking the other but of course there are differences. Many in this hobby are interested in acquiring sound that suits their tastes with absolutely no interest in having it sound live yet there are some that are in it to seriously get closer to the real thing while knowing that the reality is ever elusive. These are goals exclusive of each other and I'm sure that was his point.
>>SET amps take a special speaker and as you say has its limitations<<

All amplifiers have limitations.