Considering doing Chinese

I have listened to Melody and have owned Shanling, but have not heard Audiospace. Any thoughts or experence with Audiospace equipment.
Between two adjectives : small and red. I would not choose the latter. That's what I meant, Snofun3.
Just make sure they don't put any MSG in it. You will be very thirsty after listening to music and not know why.
Yes, please leave politics out of this forum. If you really want to get into it. Most Asians still view Americans and the rest of the Western countries as "imperialists" for the occupation of their land from late 1800s and 1900s where United States, Great Britain and other western nations engaged in the practice of territory "expansion" by occupying places like Hong Kong, India, Philippines, and even mainland China by military force, and treated locals like second class citizens or slaves. Hong Kong was still held by Great Britain as a colony until 1997. So just because China is a communist country, does that mean Chinese people do not have the right to live?

Anyways, Audio Space is actually a fairly established company from Hong Kong that started way before 1997. So technically they could be considered "British". ;-) Their products have been fairly popular in Japan and have won several of Japan's Audio magazine awards. The U.S. distributor is about 5 miles away from me, but they are only open during business hours during the weekday, so I have not been able to make it in to take a listen.

After three days in a row enjoying a new-openning Chinese buffet nearby my office, my BP shoot up 150/92. Talked abt over-dose in daily sodium consumption. Someone who comes up with non-sodium ICs patent for Jolida gears will make millions. Hi-end non-fat and non-sodium cables is something that may make some one rich. Donal Trump, this one for you.
I currently own an Audio Space Duntonic 3i found at I have owned it for about a year now with no problems. The sonics were really good out of the box and now even better since I've done some tube rolling. I think its a great value and would consider buying a second.