Best Pre-Amp/Amp for Focal JMLab electra 920

Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to Hi-Fi, and just bought a set of Focal JMLab electra 920, and kindly wish you could please give me some advices on geting a good amp to get the most out of it.

I mostly listen to classical music, sometimes a little bit rock and Jazz.

For the 920s, you need an amp with a smooth top end and enough power to control those big woofers well. If you get an analytical one, you won't enjoy the music.

You don't say what your budget is so I will guess based on the used prices of 920s. I would highly recommend McIntosh amps - I think they would mate with 920s perfectly. For separates, the MC162 or MC202 amps would be great (and are a great deal), for a preamp I would recommend a Classe 47.5 (or McIntosh C42 if your budget allows). If you want to spend less, an integrated is an excellent idea. The McIntosh MA6900 is very good and for less money, the Classe CAP151 is a swell deal although it won't be as good as match as the 6900 because the 151 can be a little hard in the upper mids.

There are many good options but I have tried many with my Electra 926 and feel these are your best bets. I have heard both the 915.1 and 920 before so I use this info in making my suggestions. See my System page for more info but keep in mind that my 926s sound more relaxed than your 920s.

I have not heard your specific speaker . I have owned the 906 and the 926 in the Electra line , newer models. My experiences with these were with midfi and highend SS components such as Rotel, Classe, Plinius, Musical Fidelity and McIntosh . I could not get these speakers to give me any life !
They sounded very good , doing all the correct things but without any 'heart' for lack of a better term . I have
found that 'my' tastes run in favor of tubes and would like to , again , try the JML's with tubes sometime .

Given 'my' preferences , I would suggest some nice inexpensive tubed integrateds . Two giant killers would be Cayin A-88T and Primaluna Prologue 2 . The Cayin is what I would term a traditional tube sound , warm mids and rolled off at the top and bottom . Very close to the Cary SLi-80 for less money . The Cayin has a remote and is switchable on the fly between triode and pentode . They are selling in the $1300 range used . The Prologue 2 is more in the modern day direction of tube amps that try to incorperate the advantages of SS and tubes . Not so warm in the mids with better extension and detail . The Prologue does not have a remote or the triode/pentode switchability but is self biasing . They can be had for under $1,000 used if you can find one . Both amps can tailor their sound by switching out various tubes .

Good luck and try to listen for yourself .
Depending on your budget, Arcam's Diva line separates or the FMJ separates. Both sound great, just depends on the features you want and a bit more refinement in the FMJ line. I use the FMJ line with JMLab Diva Utopias. Very happy.
Thanks everyone, these are very helpful!

I tried to look for some amp, recently found MacIntosh MC-7300 + C-37 (yes, very old products), and Classe Pre-amp + mono blocks (maybe not the high-end ones, but something like a pair of low ends), not sure what will be the best choice.

I will explore more with the other options that you suggested.

Also, I am also very much into the idea of tubes, since the 920s are a little bit "hard" to me, I listen mostly to classical, with a little bit everything else. The hardness sometimes is killing me. Therefore I think tube might be sweet to solve that.
However, I am kind worry that fist tubes are not powerful enough to push these babies, and second, I heard that tubes will trim the hi and low end that will make the speakers colorles. Will you think so based on your experiences?

Tube amps with 920s won't work well IMO. They are too tough a load unless you only listen at low volumes. I can't think of a good tube amp, moderately priced, that will control those big woofers well.

The 926s have a lot less treble than the 920s and cannot be equated.

The reason I suggested McIntosh SS is because the 920s are a little hard. I personally don't recommend the old McIntoshes you are looking at. Go with the Classe instead although you should steer clear of the CAM200 and CAM350 monoblocks. These amplifiers have more top end than any other CLasse I have heard and that won't work well with 920s either. Try a Classe CA200 instead. All the Classe preamps are very nice. These are my recommendations.
