Lamm, Cary and Parsifal Encore - what combo?

i'm wondering what it'll take knock out my cary slp-98 f1.

current rig:

verity audio parsifal encore
legend audio triode monos
cary slp 98 f1
vse level 5+ sony dvp 9000
purist audio cables

would a lamm ll2 deluxe beat out the cary? what about an emotive sira? if not one of these, how much higher do i need to go you think before i hear a substantial improvement? i had a vac renaissance for a while and that was the best pre i've heard hands down, but too much $$. i've also had the modwright, which i liked, but it was a bit on the cold side for me.

the cary is nice, but i have a feeling i'm sacrificing some transparency and hearing an ripe upper/mid bass ripeness that is nice, but i'd like something a little more open, dynamic, transparent that still doesn't sound sterile/cold.
i have no expierience with the ll2 directly, however i have owned an Emotive Poeta before my current Lamm L1 preamp, and it was good riddence to the Poeta pre. The bass was out of whack in timing and presentation, but the mids and highs were good. But by no means was the Poeta in any league as the L1. Period.

Not the specific models you are inquiring about, but my first had expierience.
I currently running a pair of Jeff Rowland Model 6 monoblock amps Steve. Plenty of power, and good bass control. I've long been a fan of the tube preamp/SS amp combo, and currently mate a ARC Ref 3 with the Rowlands. It's quite a nice match. I've also previously used a BAT VK-51SE/ VK-600SE combo with much success with the Parsifal's too. I wouldn't say the Rowland's are better, but I do prefer the soundstage created by monoblocks. They also cost a bit less than the BAT VK-600SE. I do like the ARC Ref 3 better than the BAT VK-51SE though.
I wish I could afford to try a darTZeel, but probably not this decade. :)

The Parsifal's are great speakers, it's hard for them not to sound good. I have one friend who swears that they still sounded best when I had a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp driving them. Though it did have plenty of midrange magic, I prefer the slam and authority of SS amps driving them, as it seems you may as well.

yo john. got some stereovox cables to replace my purist audio. i'll let u know how they fare. 600ii + LSP. if they don't work, i'll just sell them, hopefully wont take too much of a bath. :P
Steve, did the tube swapping not work out? I've heard great things about the Stereovox cables, but I haven't heard them myself. I'll be interested in reading your impressions. I heard a demo pair of the Jade Audio Vermeil speaker cables, they sounded so good that I ordered a pair. So I'll have Jade cables throughout my system once the speaker cables arrive. The Jade cables have gold clad silver conductors. I've found that they nicely couple the speed of silver with a richer, more vibrant sound.

Also, if you get a chance, try a Stealth Dream 'Preamp' cord on your Hovland. I think you will be mighty impressed.

i did a little tube swapping, and then realized i really need/want more juice to drive my speakers, so i got some new amps, coming in a couple days. canary 160. also thought i'd try some silver cables. the stereovox sound like they are a little less lean than other silver cables, i could definitely use some transparency.

i did get the audiopoints and the svelt platform for between the woofer and top cabinet, and damn did that make a huge difference!