More power or better quality power?

I use a 120 watt NAD integrated and a pair of Sonus Concerto Monitors (Home version), and a REL stadium III for the low end. I am researching new integrateds because my System sounds lifeless. My car system sounded much the same before I added a higher power (twice the wattage) and higher quality (3 times the price) amp. The difference was night and day. So I am wondering, do I need more power for my home system, or do I just need better quality power...or worse yet, BOTH! My room is pretty large (18 by 18 give or take, plus a high vaulted cieling). The system is tucked in a corner and i listen from about 8 feet away on axis. I listen to everything, but mostly rock. I was considering a 100 watt Primare that is on audiogon right now. I was going to go Plinius, but I think with warm speakers, and warm cables (cardas) That might be just too much warmth :)
Low level quality of sound is important because I do no live alone and don't want to need to crank it to get a good quality sound.

So, is bigger really better, or is it it the quality?
Quality is everything. The ability to reproduce low level detail does not come from brute strength, although its great if you get both at the same time.

That 'first watt' concept BTW is important- music is quite dynamic and most of the time your power levels are quite low. Its the peaks that demand power most of the time. So if the first watt is uninvolving you will have a lifeless stereo.
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Speaker placement can also have a huge impact.

Quality is always better than quantity. That said; many higher power amps are also better quality.

I definatly disagree with Mr.Reynolds. Having owned NAD from 1986 to 1990. And recently auditioning a NAD 325BEE for use at work. In my recent audition I was disapointed in the system as a whole. I attribute this mostly to the NAD, although a good piece for its price I have become spoiled. Qulity is definatly more important than quantity. Your speakers deserve the best integrated or pre/amp you can easily afford. Musical Fidelity and Sonus Faber as a combination come to mind. I have had a chance to listen to various combinations of the two numerous times in the show room and at RMAF, IMHO they make a good combination.

I agree with Dwhitt in that there are many things that make up a system and one of the most important is the room. I feel you have made a good choice with corner placement of your system. You room is by no means large. I would call it medium and square is other than ideal. Ok that said try different speaker placements with the sub off and just see what happens. You might be suprised.

If you are going to step up from the NAD do your homework even if you have to take your speakers, CDP and cables with you. It will be time well spent.

Good Luck.
There is a common myth that because the sound emerges from the speakers, that the speakers are the most important.

If the speaker is really that good it will reveal everything upstream from it too. The fact of the matter is everything is important. It is also true that there is no relationship between size and quality: there are plenty of big amps that are dreadful and plenty of small dreadful amps, just as there are big wonderful amps and small wonderful amps.

One thing about high end audio, it is intention rather than cost, power or size that makes the difference. If the intention is to make money, the results will be very different than if the intention is to be the best.