help me decide: VTL 7.5 or ARC Ref 3

Hi, I am currently contemplating these two preamps. My reference is the Einstein The Tube preamp. Both of these sound pretty close to the Einstein. I would greatly appreciate feedback from owners of either preamp (past, present, future). Also, which one is more tubey? I have heard the Ref 3 and it sounds great. I have not heard the VTL 7.5 but have heard incredible things about it.

Thanks in advance.

As a big Usher fan I have to tell you way to go! The BE 10/20 are amazing!

I had the 7.5 in my system and I switched over to the SLP 05 and I thought it was dramatically better than the 7.5 wider deeper soundstage, more liquid, more involving.

For the price difference you could buy the Cary and the new AMR CD 77 probably the greatest value in high end cd players ever to exist!

The SLP 05 is in an entirely different league compared to Cary's past preamps which were no where as transparent or balanced in performance, and it is a good deal at the price.

Also the Acoustic Zen cables are excellent you can get better performance for less money with the new Synergistic Tesla series.

I haven't heard the ARC in my own system so I can't comment but it is supposed to be a great preamp although the traditional ARC sound tends to be more analytical.

Tboooe, I had both pre's and preferred the ARC, sold the 7.5. I did recently hear VTL 5.5 MK2 and actually preferred it over my recent 7.5, my 7.5 was the original and apparently the MK2 is suppose to be an improvement.

You really need to have it in your own system and not go by what others have to say because your system will be different sounding than mine and others.

I have on order a Supratek Sauv. line stage that is suppose to be better than my Ref3, I guess I will find out.

Regarding what Audioorcle said, I have not personally heard the Cary SLP 05 in my own system but in others and what I heard was a great pre. I also want to hear this in my system. The AMR cd player that he mentioned is also suppose to be amazing, the build is absolutely top notch, the information that I have received is that this one piece unit is bettering allot of expensive players costing up to $12k. This could be a real bargain at $8500 list if true. I will have to get one and try it out also but a little down the road.
Thanks for the info about AMR. I just want to point at Ayon Audio Polaris pre amp. A friend of mine just exchenged his VTL 7.5 with the Ayon Polaris - MILES better (MUCH wider and deeper sondstage, better timing, better musical flow, MUCH more transparent, nicer hights and much more natural mids). CanĀ“t comment on the ARC.