Do you remember?

I was listening to a cd (Chico Freeman)with my Aragon 24k pre and wondered why this company is no longer with us. Great build,parts,and sonics. I then recalled a spkr I once owned-Kestral-and also pondered as to why it bit the dust. What do you remember where jaw meet floor applied and is know longer made. This may have been threaded before so forgive me as I don't write often. Enjoy the music.
Did the SF people move on to another venture? Are they still "in the business" under a new name or working for other people? I can't imagine that design talent just disappeared.
The company still exists from what I can tell, and has concentrated on its Anthem line. Correct me if I'm wrong.
John, all I'm saying is that there are obvious things that have to be done and covering all your costs and adding a margin for profit is obviously a basic requirement. What you seem to be saying is that the price of a product can never be too high since it assures the producer a long life. What I am saying is that there are various price points in the market, so that one has to be able to hit the target squarely and then to have enough volume for a long enough period for things to work and to allow you to develop newer products and continue the cycle. The problem appears to me that these companies initially seem to be on the right track, but that they hit a rough patch with sales going down due to how quirky the audio market is.