35 watts in Ultralinear vs 50 watts in Triode

I have read that Ultralinear mode in tube amplification provides more slam and punchier sound in comparison to Triode mode. Is this always true? for example, what about a Prima Luna Prologue 5 (35 wpc UL) against the AES Sixpacs monoblocks (50 wpc in Triodo) in terms of bass slam and macrodynamics? is the less powered amp gutsier and punchier than the higher powered amps just for being UL? Is Triode mode always kind of soft compared to UL regardless of power?

Tvad is sort of correct. IMHE in any given amp that allows switching Triode is usually less aggressive, up-front, etc. Some times the sound stage is more recessive and the tone softer (the old Mesa Baron was very illustrative of this having 4 stages from all pentode to all triode which were comparable on the fly. You could hear immediately the difference)

But, I wouldn't go so far as to proclaim that a Triode amp will always 'sound' better, different perhaps, when actually connected to your speakers. You might just end up with warm mush! You've got to hear them with your speakers in your environment before you reach any conclusion.

FWIW, you mentioned the Primaluna and the Cary amps. I have both, although my Carys are the CAD50B's. IMHO, with my stuff, the Primalunas in ultralinear are both more listenable and linear than the Cary's (in triode) and these particular Carys in ultralinear mode are, for me, unlistenable.

Be careful.
Thanks for the comments.

If we compare both modes (UL vs Triode) in the SAME amp that allows that switching, for sure UL will have more bass control/impact than Triode. But my concern is between different amps, where one has less power in UL and the other is more powerfull in Triode. Will triode be always softer anyway?
Tvad, FWIW you are correct IMO means just that, My bad. Sorry, I meant well. I was just trying to expand on what you were saying. :-)
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"Will triode always be softer" between different amps?

No. The term 'always' dictates that response. I would be more ameniable to saying 'generally, yes' if the term were 'usually'. The power difference between 35wts and 50wts amounts to about 1 to 1.5db in SPL, which in practical usage is nominal. Everything else being equal I think most folks wouldn't hear the difference in the amount of power available not the effect of the difference either for that matter.