Capacitors for BAT VK-60

I'm planning to change the Jensen caps.
I don't really like how they(Jensens) sound so I've been thinking about Multicaps, Auricaps or the red Dynamicaps.
Any suggestion?
Has anyone did a change like this and how was the sound after that?
Yes I agree,the Jensens are not bad overall,of course I like their detail,analysis and bass too but......
IMHO they are not so warm as they should be or better as I prefer. So I think I need more emotion and a bit more warmness for my VK-60...
What about Dynamicaps?
Mr. Mike Elliot prefers them than any other cap.
Risky how? Because of the price? Certainly not because of the quality. VH Audio sells some very high quality product.

You can always find cheaper stuff, be it caps, resistors, amps, etc.
I just mentioned the best because you didn't have a price limit in your initial thread. I thought you might be interested in SOTA caps....maybe not.

John,I think you missed the point...
I'm not trying to spend a lot of money just for two caps!
I prefer to spend some for a VK-75 than more for a pair of V-Caps!!!
That's what I call logic!
Out of that, I don't trust teflon or tin foil caps but only in parallel.But that's another story...
BTW my first choice is TRT Dynamicaps with a pair of teflon caps(.1mf) in parallel as Ed mentioned before.

SOTA caps...? My Wilson WITTs will hate you if you'll say that again!!!
I'm just joking John.
Obviously I did miss the point, sorry. I didn't see any financial limitations in your original post. I just saw the 'Any suggestions?'.

It would probably help next time if you post your price constraints right up front, it makes it easier for recommendations. We all don't just 'know' your budget.

Best wishes,
