The best of Biggest, Baddest monster amps ...

Forget about Pass labs X1000, Classe Omega,Mcintosh 1201,krell...Simaudio Moon Rock mono blocs currently selling for $50,000 the best money can buy.You have to hear them to believe them. Jm labs Grande Utopia + Moon Rock = Heaven
I owned and sold them .I'm a businessman w/ busy schedule, I don't have a lot of time for music. List your Biggest, Baddest monster amps that you have.
I've always wanted to know how the Levinson 33s weigh in with the best of the best sonically.... I know they weigh in at about 400 lbs a piece.
Mark Levinson 33 power amplifiers.
The Levinson 33 are the best amps i'v ever heard.
The only setback is their like generators so they get very hot.
Rowland 9 amps
Boulder 2050
YBA Passion Amps,
Gamut S300
Classe Omega
Denon POA S1