Rogue Zeus Amp - Anyone heard this?

I'm very interested in the Rogue Zeus amplifier, but have not heard it.

Any opinions?
Very powerful--225 a side if I am correct--and conservatively rated. I used one on loan while my MAC was being repaired and it never ran out of gas!!! It is a great amp IMHO!

I'm hearing it now. I love it, it's not going anywhere. I've had it for about a year. I've done some tube rolling (driver tubes) to tune it the way I like it.
It is part of my primary system, and I consider that system as good as I've heard - certainly the best I've ever owned, and complete for several years. I mean that!
Bought one maybe 3 years ago and have not been tempted to replace it or had to mess with it beyond the occasional bias adjustment. If you want a definite tube sound you will not like it, it happens to coincide with my definition of what neutral sounds like so I do like it. Have paired it with Vandersteen 5a's and previously dynaudio confidence 3's, either match seemed to work well, the C3's were 4 ohm 85dbw and the Zeus replaced 300wpc solid state driving them. Am driving it with Rogue's Magnum 99 pre configured for balanced output and one balanced in and slightly hot rodded at the factory, there seems to be some nice synergy there and the M99's are selling used for good value if that is of interest. Last tidbit is there is some improvement to be had from calling Rogue and having them send you NOS 12ax7's and 12au7's. All just imho. Good luck with whatever you purchase. Oh, very last tidbit, if you don't need as much power, others have reported better synergy with their systems with 120's or 150's.
Yes ive owned of them. HIfI News did a report and was disappointed I have the review here.
Good lowend and imaging. Not alot of life to it.
M120s are mch better for the money