Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Marantz 2270 receiver (1974 - present)
Harmon Kardon HK 430 receiver (1980 - 2002)
Hafler DH 220 (1981? - 2002)
Yamaha 770? receiver (1996 - 2002)
McIntosh 275 reissue (2008 - present)
Cary SLA 70 Signature (2009 - present)
Don't remember dates but started about 1974
Harman Kardon HK 430 Reciever
Yamaha CR2020 Reciever (1977)
Harman Kardon HK 770 Stereo Amp
Harman Kardon HK 775 x 2 Twin Mono Amps
Conrad Johnson MF-200 (1990 to present)
Bryston 4B-ST (2009 to present)
Added a Wyetech Topaz 211 A amp.
This is a single ended 18 watt stereo amp.
Who said that SET are flea powered.
This one weighs in at 110 lbs.
Audio Note output transformers.
Along with the Wyetech also picked up a Supratek preamp.
not nearly as experienced as many here, but...

denon integrated
pioneer elite integrated
levinson no.29
atma-sphere s-30

i can't imagine wanting / needing anything more that the S-30...
Well, this is very interesting. I wonder if after all our personal "sonic" evolution the "perfect" sound tends to be more and more similar between audiophiles or if it continues to vary widely.

Anyways, I started with Japanese equipment, then moved on the Quad 33 and 303. Decided that the preamp was weak so changed it for a Qued. Upgraded the Quad amp. and kept it for a while then changed it for a Rega. Liked it so bought the preamp. and the their big CD player and floorstanding speakers (with the Rega speaker cable).

I then heard a Naim system and liked it (250 amp, 102 preamp with highcap and Naim speaker cables. Kept it for 5 years. I then heard the best amp. I had heard so far, the Robertson 4010 coupled with a Conrad-Johnson PV1 and B&W DM-4 speakers. I liked it so much that after a few listening sessions I sold all my Naim stuff and bought just that, a Robertson 4010, with a Conrad Johnson PV14sl2 and DM-4 speakers. Meanwhile I had discovered the Audionote DACs and got rid of my CD player (vastly inferior to the DAC).

I've been looking to match the Robertson 4010 musicality and natural qualities, but could not so far. I just bought a Mark Levinson 23.5 amp. but have not had the time to listen to it enough to judge. I've got a Robertson 6010 being repaired (I've been told that it was more musical than the 23.5).

I will have to compare the three of them (if I ever managed to revive the 6010) and decide which I prefer; but I tell you, the 4010 is difficult to top (for a suitable room for this amp. that is), but the ML, from my preliminary sessions looks very good).

I've made speakers myself and sold some. I've heard many kind and size of speakers, but none so far beat my DM4 (for the size of room I have). I've maid a pair of speakers with an engineer friend with Scanspeak 10" woofer, its little brother (4") as a midrange driver and a Revelator as a tweeter. We play this in a 80'x30'x20' room and we travel at the speed of light.

My interconnects are Audioquest Colorados and my speaker cable are Kimber 8tc.

Best regards,