if someone would re-read the question and compare the three amplifiers' sound, let's say through a high-resolution speaker (B&W801's, watt/puppies, thiels, maggies), MAXX1973 as well as myself (and others) would learn more about the boulder sound (i never got to hear them in person). should i just assume some nonsence based on their advertisements, their price-tags,
or what "freaky fremer" has to say about a $25,000+ phono-stage designed to make $2 records from a flea market sound like the voice of g-d him/her-self?? okay, i'm already a little biased, but i do pride myself on rationality as well as an interest in beauty and music coming together in a deliberate fashion, and because COMPANY-X had a dedicated person/persons do ALOT of listening tests with their components before sending them out to dealers, along with colorful brochures (or none at all since that would simply be an insult and meaningless propaganda to the "discerning customer").
However, SOMETIMES, at the dealer's showroom, in a delicious moment of TRUTH which has happened to me several times, one channel refuses to come on, or the cd player refuses to read the cd.
OR, everything "works", but the speakers sound so anemic that they sound like the wires are out of phase (but they're not). well, i can forgive but i won't forget.
so who out there has heard both these amplifiers? i own the 33h's and i think they're even better than the OTHER stuff that levinson makes, which is ALSO quite good, due to some very well designed circuitry. but maybe Boulder would really complement my meitner cdp much better. i haven't a clue at this point. the ml-33h is dead quiet, VERY dynamic, and is not at all "dry sounding" when listening to chamber music or Karrin Allyson (i think she is so ... there's no word for it yet i'm afraid- she's really good imho). please let me know what the boulder sound is all about please... thanks.