Levinson 33H vs Boulder 1060/2060??

Hi All,

I am planning to buy a new amp and was thinking about the Levinson 33H. I don't have any experience with Boulder, but heard some good things about it.

Anyone listened to both of them and what are your findings? What are the differences between both amps and which of the two do you recommend and why?

Thanks for your input

if someone would re-read the question and compare the three amplifiers' sound, let's say through a high-resolution speaker (B&W801's, watt/puppies, thiels, maggies), MAXX1973 as well as myself (and others) would learn more about the boulder sound (i never got to hear them in person). should i just assume some nonsence based on their advertisements, their price-tags,
or what "freaky fremer" has to say about a $25,000+ phono-stage designed to make $2 records from a flea market sound like the voice of g-d him/her-self?? okay, i'm already a little biased, but i do pride myself on rationality as well as an interest in beauty and music coming together in a deliberate fashion, and because COMPANY-X had a dedicated person/persons do ALOT of listening tests with their components before sending them out to dealers, along with colorful brochures (or none at all since that would simply be an insult and meaningless propaganda to the "discerning customer").
However, SOMETIMES, at the dealer's showroom, in a delicious moment of TRUTH which has happened to me several times, one channel refuses to come on, or the cd player refuses to read the cd.
OR, everything "works", but the speakers sound so anemic that they sound like the wires are out of phase (but they're not). well, i can forgive but i won't forget.
so who out there has heard both these amplifiers? i own the 33h's and i think they're even better than the OTHER stuff that levinson makes, which is ALSO quite good, due to some very well designed circuitry. but maybe Boulder would really complement my meitner cdp much better. i haven't a clue at this point. the ml-33h is dead quiet, VERY dynamic, and is not at all "dry sounding" when listening to chamber music or Karrin Allyson (i think she is so ... there's no word for it yet i'm afraid- she's really good imho). please let me know what the boulder sound is all about please... thanks.
The Boulder sound? Well, the best way to describe it is that it has no sound. Boulder amps just play music, and nothing else. There's no wow factor, nothing sticks out. The first time I auditioned them, I sat down with a friend in a sofa and played some nice CDs. We sat there for well over an hour just listening, talking about the music. Suddenly I told my mate, 'Hey, this sounds really, really good doesn't it?'. He nodded his head and that was that.

To put it in technical terms, I'd have to say exceptionally natural, very detailed and completely effortless at any volume. Seductive too, you can get addicted to it pretty easily. With a good record playing you quickly forget that you're listening to a record. Compared to some other top gear I've found that Boulder does not paint a very big soundstage, but what it does it does very well. This is a matter of preference I believe. When I've heard Boulders, they bring the music to my room, whereas for example MBL brings you to the music (i.e. the room boundaries disappear). The difference is very noticeable, it's up to you to decide what you prefer. :) This might have to do with speaker synergy though, you may experience it differently.
how about s'morganic? there are a hundred great sounding amps in that price range. the x factor isn't about sound or hi fi equipment...its bigger than that. it isn't even built or designed...it just is.
I apologize for not addressing your question, but take the liberty of seconding what AudioOracle wrote, specifically, that there are other solid-state amps which meet or exceed the sound quality of the Levinson 33H and Boulder amps. If the speakers do not require tons of power, I suggest that you begin your search with the darTZeel (... which is where you may very possibly end your search). For high-powered amps, the Edge amps that AudioOracle sells will often outperform Levinson or Boulder. For that matter, the top Lamm, Gryphon and FM Acoustic amps should all be considered. Classic Rowland (Models 2/6/8ti/9ti) is more than competitive with 33H and Boulder-caliber solid-state amps. Levinson and Boulder are well built and have historically maintained their value, but, in my opinion, they tend to sound like hi-fi, while the very best solid-state sounds like music. In short, you may want to widen the field of contenders.
FYI, I agree (mostly) with Raquel's assessment of the amps mentioned.

I am a little kinder towards the Mark Levinson amps, since I used to own a couple (and have fond memories of them!). I believe they are really good solid state amps. However in my opinion, they lack a bit of soul, (which I define as that organic quality that really brings the music to life. Feel free to call it what you will!) However, I have not heard the 33H, and it might just have it.

I also agree that if you truly want a really great amp, both the DarTZeel and the Lamm amps have soul. Personally, I prefer the Lamm amps, however, the DarTZeel is pretty extraordinary for a true solid state amp. (The Lamm amps I directly compared it against was a hybrid amp, that had one (6922) tube in each monoblock.) I felt that the Lamm had just a bit more bloom to the mid-range, and the treble seems a bit better as well. (It was difficult to compare the bass response, as the Lamm had 220 wpc (in two monoblocks) vs. the DarTZeel's 100 wpc, (in a stereo amp), so it was not quite fair to compare the two. The DarTZeel had good bass, but the Lamm was clearly better, however this was using Rockport Antares speakers, which is truly a full range speaker, as the bass response goes all the way down to 20 hz. That 13 inch woofer demands power, and the DarTZeel gives a good account of itself, but in the end it just ran out of juice.) If your speakers are more efficient and/or sensitive than the Antares, it might work just fine for you.

My two cents worth anyway.