The New BAT REX preamp

Has anyone heard the new top-of-line BAT REX?
Daveyf, I heard the REX at my dealer yesterday in Austin. WOW.

System was DCS pi8 SACD player, REX, VK 55, Watt Puppy 8's.

It's pretty startling. I have all BAT gear, VK51SE, VK150SE's, VKp10SE Superpak. I recently just added a second tube vk75se amp, I'd say this is a order of magnitude better than a second amp. Much much bigger than the 50se=>51se upgrade I did a while back.

Seems like the warmth is back a little, with out any expense anywhere else. The transparency, the dynamics are the best I think I have heard...

Now I have to find a way to squeeze this into my budget soon!
I heard it last night at a local retailer's audio show. It was running into a VK-75SE and a pair of Hansen Prince speakers. Very quiet background and very dynamic with great slam.
Hey Jfrech, when you say, "the warmth is back a little" do you mean there is a little LESS warmth? I have a system very close to what you demo'd Bat 51SE, Bat 75SE, Watt Puppy 7's, DSC pi8, Nordost Valhalla through out. Haven't had a chance to check out the REX yet but am interested in hearing how it sounds and better understand it's improvement over the 51SE. One more question, did you notice a big difference when you went to a pair of mono block Bat's instead of the stereo? This is something else I am considering. Thanks!!