I also grew up in the South with plenty of music all around, though primarily spritual. Yes, it seemed like everyone preached, played an instrument, sang, or a combination. And that was just my family. There was always singing and playing around, and I eventually participated myself, though I pretty much gave it up when I decided that I was not capable of being the best singer that ever lived.
Though some may criticize and/or disagree, I am fairly basic when it comes to listening to music, especially appreciative of equipment that just puts through what comes off the source. The reproduction of the energy, emotion, and the altering experience is what drew me to high end audio in the first place. And no processed to be beautiful reproduction can replicate the true live music expereince. Of course, not all performers or performances are going to result in a magical experience (some are really boring).
Although there may be many brands that can boogie, I will mention Odyssey. I think their preamps, amps, and speakers are capable of reproducing that intangible aspect of live music that many miss. It is good stuff, though not particularly expensive. For a digital source, I thought the Rega Apollo could really scrap, and I assume the Saturn would be the same but better. I have also been very impressed with the musical capabilities of the Ayre CX-7. In fact, it is pretty good in various audiophile parameters too, and not sterile, flat, and unexciting as most digital gear I have sampled.
For cables, I have been through the combine as many others, though am not rich enough to have tried the very expensive fair. For me, the overall best I have found is Shunyata: The Aries IC is neutral, energetic, resolving and smooth. And the PCs all seem to let the components do what they can do, with added refinements and extension seeming to come as you go up the line (never tried the Anaconda).
As far as I can tell so far, none of the items mentioned above (especially the Shunyata, Odyssey electronics, and Ayre) are going to be good for adding color, weight, or anything else if that's what you are looking for. But IMHO, they will reproduce the essence of musical performance when it is on the source.