Am I going crazy or?

I've been thinking about this for awhile now- I see many things for sale on agon. Some are reasonably priced, some priced to cheap ( those go quickly ) and some things priced for more than anyone will ever pay. I guess the folks that get me are those that over price, and refuse offers. I watch their adds go out after the 33 days. And then some list the add again at the same price. I find this interesting. I know I would not expect them to sell to a low baller. However I wonder why they can't take a hint. The worth of something for sale is determined not, by what the seller feels it is worth, but rather by what the market is willing to pay. And for sure we are now in a buyers market virtually on anything.
Patience pays off many times, as a buyer or a seller. If you buy or sell in a hurry, chances are you didn't get the best deal. Sometimes it's just a matter of being patient for the right buyer or seller to come along.
Sometimes the seller is not really sure that he even wants to sell. He may place an ad as a 'feeler'. If he gets very close to his asking price, he may sell and move on. If he does not, he waits and listens to what he has. I've placed ads before just testing the market for a certain item. It may seem overpriced to you, but I only need one buyer.
All buyers would love to find desperate sellers, a patient buyer/seller can reap the benefits. This holds for any market, audio, homes, autos, etc.

I was looking for a Rogue Zeus for a while,probably a year and then one day,what do I see .One Zeus for sale about 45 minutes drive from my place,Wow I rubbed my eyes and looked again .I offered the seller the asking price minus 5% but I was prepared to pay the asking price PLUS 10%.LOL
Anyway he agreed and I went and paid and picked it up 3 days later.That was 2 years ago.If I want something bad I am prepared to pay the asking price so long that it is within reason.But I've overpaid enough times.
There is a bit of psychology in this too, for the seller. I discussed a Burmester CD player with its proud owner recently. He plainly loved it and felt it was worth more than the market would pay, so be it. He did'nt sell perhaps he won't.
In that case, it was a 3 year old player, on CD units you have to factor in Laser and transport players that maybe are'nt available anymore. The great thing for a buyer is not to be in a rush. I have a 4 year old Shanling player that still works, so I can weight. If it fails you are under a bit more time pressure.
I guess what makes me crazy are the guy selling the usual stuff that I see here all the time. Except he wants 15% less than new, when everyone else is selling for 50% off. I remember seeing a common power cord listed one time for 5% off of a new cord with no warranty. Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that I should go by the new cord. Heck even if the guy is taking 10% off and it is a cord under $300 I might as well go buy a new cord. And then there are those that sell something that is over 10 years old and are plentiful on agon and want gold for it. And they are offended if you try to talk them down. I suppose some want to keep it rather than sell it. But to those I would say " why bother to list it then " And there are those that say " if no one will pay my price I will throw it in the closet! " Great now you have a piece of gear taking up space and your not getting any use from it or money for. And who will get it when you die? So might as well sell it.
Kt_88, I really cannot understand how you can say 'makes me crazy'. Why do you take these ads so seriously? When I see ads like you have mentioned, I don't give them a second thought or consideration. I focus on the ads that interest me, not the ads that do not. Why be concerned if a seller isn't highly motivated? When I'm selling I also do not much worry about unmotivated buyers. It takes all kinds of folks to make the world go 'round, that's what makes life so interesting.
