Most resolving, transparent amps.

What has your experience been in amplifiers?

The most transparent, detailed amps you've encountered.
I like to hear everything that's going on and follow the different lines and instruments but it does need to come together musically.
Dead quiet, black background, dimesnional, layered, imaging, open, extended top end - all qualities of top amps, I think. Let the music come through as it was put on the disc - no editorializing.

What have you found?
Karan 270 so neutral that you only hear the music and the environment it's played in.
Nuforce ref 9se. soon to be V2, these amps are as holographic as any one could expect.
My H2O Signature monos, which have kept pace with cap and module upgrades are fully transparent, detailed, and equal in decay properties of the finest tube amps. No amp can do that alone. The H2O is a slave to upstream components. All the beauty, depth, and naturalness can be attributed to the AN DAC I use.
I have not heard an amp that equals, or even approaches the Dartzeel in this regard. Combined with a beautifully sweet midrange, it is really quite special.
I love both Nuforce Ref 9SE and OTL amps (Navison or Atmasphere), they are both very detailled and transparent.
Nuforce works very nicely on hard to drive speakers but if the speaker are easy to drive the air, image and layering of the OTL amps have no equal.

The preamp also is very important to get a good result.