I googled impedance. Its a load issue, 4 ohm speakers create a heavier impedance/resistance level vs a speaker at 8 ohms. Now I'm not sure why some Seas Excel designs are 8 ohms: Thor and several Tyler designs all with lower db levels at 87, and other Tyler designs with Seas Excel are at 4 ohms but have a higher sensitivity, 92. Both use the same copper magnet/motor. Truly a beast to drive correctly and will suck the life out of any tube amp that ain't got the Trans and/or tubes to push the current up and out the voice coils and make the speaker sing. i kind of envision the Seas Excel drivers as a panel/electrostat but in the shape of a conventional cone.
So impedance is the resisitance of the speaker to amp. Sensitivity is how well/or poor the speaker responds to 1 pure electrical watt.
Elevick, that is odd, the Lin Sig Sys is 4 ohm BUT 92 db. Tyler somehow figured out the crossover to function at a higher rate of sensitivity.
What happens in this case is that the vol needs to be turned slightly up to achieve same results on a 8 ohm speaker. IOW my MTM Thors at 10 o clock sound at the same db as the Lin Sig Sys at with the vol at 12 o clock. WITH THE DYNAMICS BEING EXACTLY THE SAME. Jadis has done something with the process in making the trans that allows the amp to drive as their web site says "any kind of speaker"...of course I wouldn't wish to push my luck on a expensive tube amp with 4 ohm speakers. This is why I say tubes "prefer 8 ohms", its a realiability issue. Never want to over work the horse, as they say.
My next speaker will be the Tyler 3 way called the Lin Sys 2, the speaker that Sally Renyolds reviewed in Absolute Sound last Oct. She had nothing but good things to say on its performance. The dual W18's in the Thor's worked fine for past 4 yrs, now I'm ready to move up the next level and get in on some the 25-35 hz's I've been missing.
I googled impedance. Its a load issue, 4 ohm speakers create a heavier impedance/resistance level vs a speaker at 8 ohms. Now I'm not sure why some Seas Excel designs are 8 ohms: Thor and several Tyler designs all with lower db levels at 87, and other Tyler designs with Seas Excel are at 4 ohms but have a higher sensitivity, 92. Both use the same copper magnet/motor. Truly a beast to drive correctly and will suck the life out of any tube amp that ain't got the Trans and/or tubes to push the current up and out the voice coils and make the speaker sing. i kind of envision the Seas Excel drivers as a panel/electrostat but in the shape of a conventional cone.
So impedance is the resisitance of the speaker to amp. Sensitivity is how well/or poor the speaker responds to 1 pure electrical watt.
Elevick, that is odd, the Lin Sig Sys is 4 ohm BUT 92 db. Tyler somehow figured out the crossover to function at a higher rate of sensitivity.
What happens in this case is that the vol needs to be turned slightly up to achieve same results on a 8 ohm speaker. IOW my MTM Thors at 10 o clock sound at the same db as the Lin Sig Sys at with the vol at 12 o clock. WITH THE DYNAMICS BEING EXACTLY THE SAME. Jadis has done something with the process in making the trans that allows the amp to drive as their web site says "any kind of speaker"...of course I wouldn't wish to push my luck on a expensive tube amp with 4 ohm speakers. This is why I say tubes "prefer 8 ohms", its a realiability issue. Never want to over work the horse, as they say.
My next speaker will be the Tyler 3 way called the Lin Sys 2, the speaker that Sally Renyolds reviewed in Absolute Sound last Oct. She had nothing but good things to say on its performance. The dual W18's in the Thor's worked fine for past 4 yrs, now I'm ready to move up the next level and get in on some the 25-35 hz's I've been missing.