+++ but since I do not care for ss amps +++
That is sad. The failure you mention your experienced with your tube equipment would not occur had you been using solid state.
I own (and have owned) solid-state amplifiers that are extremely musical and will work on most speakers.
++ I look for certain tube amps that can carry a relatively heavy load +++
These tube amps are not the best sounding tube amps and more often than not, cannot compete musically with good transistor amplifiers.
+++ though even 8 ohm speakers can dip to 4 ohms on huge orchestral challenges+++
Musical genre does not influence speaker impedance. If speakers dip to 4 ohm on Orchestra, they will dip to 4 ohm on every genre of music known to man.
Speakers rated at 8 ohm that dip as low as 4ohm are not suited to for tube amplification if quality reproduction is a requirement.
+++ TRhe point of the topic was to ask the GENERALIZED question that tube amps prefer 8 ohm speakers +++
No it wasnt. You asked a myriad of questions but not what you state here.
+++ Which is fine. I'm staying with 8 ohms, and thats that.+++
I dont believe anybody told you not to purchase an 8ohm speaker. Most posters indicated that there are other factors you need to consider also.
Fact is, most of the posters here have system that can do orchestra. By your own admission, your system cannot and you do have 8ohm speakers already.
That is sad. The failure you mention your experienced with your tube equipment would not occur had you been using solid state.
I own (and have owned) solid-state amplifiers that are extremely musical and will work on most speakers.
++ I look for certain tube amps that can carry a relatively heavy load +++
These tube amps are not the best sounding tube amps and more often than not, cannot compete musically with good transistor amplifiers.
+++ though even 8 ohm speakers can dip to 4 ohms on huge orchestral challenges+++
Musical genre does not influence speaker impedance. If speakers dip to 4 ohm on Orchestra, they will dip to 4 ohm on every genre of music known to man.
Speakers rated at 8 ohm that dip as low as 4ohm are not suited to for tube amplification if quality reproduction is a requirement.
+++ TRhe point of the topic was to ask the GENERALIZED question that tube amps prefer 8 ohm speakers +++
No it wasnt. You asked a myriad of questions but not what you state here.
+++ Which is fine. I'm staying with 8 ohms, and thats that.+++
I dont believe anybody told you not to purchase an 8ohm speaker. Most posters indicated that there are other factors you need to consider also.
Fact is, most of the posters here have system that can do orchestra. By your own admission, your system cannot and you do have 8ohm speakers already.